In our previous posts we discussed the different ways a player can earn our token - MUT. Refer here : Airdrop & Staking and P2E rewards.

All of that injects MUT into the system, increases the supply and leads to a decrease in the token price. Now that is something anyone would like to avoid right?


So how do we counter that and make sure that MUT price doesn't plummet to the ground?
This post will focus on answering that very question. So make sure you read each and every topic!



Now what exactly do we mean by MUT faucets?

Well, simply put, it refers to all the ways through which MUT is injected into the system.

So, lets quickly go through some of the faucets of MUT before we get into its use-case and sinks.

  1. AIRDROP : Having any MuTerra Asset in your account gets you MUT per day. Read more about it here : MUT Airdrop

  2. STAKING : Staking MUT gives you more MUT! WOW! : MUT Staking

  3. NFT BURNING : Every NFT of MuTerra has a burn value attached to it, which means, once you destroy that NFT, you receive MUT equal to the burn value.

  4. BATTLING : Kill mutees by playing the game and earn MUT. Its as simple as that! Read more about it here : P2E Rewards

  5. RAW MATERIALS : There are 3 types of raw materials which you can collect by playing the game. You can then choose to use them to get NFTs or sell them to get MUT.

There are MORE WAYS to earn MUT in addition to the ones mentioned above, but let's skip over them and get into how we plan on dealing with all this MUT supply and maintaining the price of the token.



What's the difference between a use-case and a sink?

Use-case, in very simple terms, refers to all the ways through which a token gets its value which usually includes - exchanging the token to avail a service or acquire a product. The point to note here is that MUT stays in the system and keeps changing hands.

A token's sink on the other hand refers to something that completely removes its existence from the system.


  • MUTEE LEVEL-UP : To level up a mutee, all you need is MUT. The table below tells us how much MUT will be required to level up a mutee to max level :


  • TAXES : These can be implemented by the Council members (Top MUT stakers) on various things. Another thing for DAO to vote on.

  • HOSPITAL : Your Health and Stamina are running low and regeneration rate feels slow? Not to worry, just pay MUT and get yourself and your mutee treated!

  • CRAFTING & MINTING NFTs : To craft any equipment, you'll need raw materials and then you'll have pay MUT to the blacksmith for his work. He doesn't work for free you know.

  • BUYING RAW MATERIALS : Sometimes its just hard to get a certain raw material from the wild. Fret not, you can buy them from the shopkeeper using your MUT. But be warned, shopkeeper is greedy.

  • BUYING RECIPES : There are food, potions and many special things that can do wonders! But their recipes are costly you know.

  • INFORMATION : Its sometimes very important to know what is happening where. Gives you an edge over the others. But information comes at a price.

  • TRAVELLING : You pay the fare to travel anywhere. Now that rhymed and also made sense didn't it?

  • GAMBLING : There's this shady guy who says all sorts of things. Once he said he could double my money in 1 day. Maybe he could have or maybe not. Are you willing to believe him and gamble your MUT?

  • PROTECTION : Fighting wild mutees is very dangerous. You can get badly wounded and lose all your belongings. I usually hire people to protect me when I am in danger. Maybe you can think about hiring them too?

  • TRAINIG MUTEES : As your mutees level up, they are able to learn new abilities. But you need to pay MUT to the trainer. You can try teaching your mutee new tricks but its impossible to get any noteworthy results.

  • EXCHANGE LISTINGS : Trading MUT to get other tokens is also a big use-case. And we plan to work on that as we reach for the moon!

There can be INFINITE NUMBER of ways to create use cases for MUT. The only limit is your imagination! And the best part is that DAO has a big say in this!


  • PHYSICAL COPIES : You can pay MUT to get physical copies of all MuTerra NFTs! The payment will include shipping fee too!

  • BURNING NFTs : You are wrong to think that you'll get the exact MUT back on burning an NFT that you put into it. So if you feed your mutee some MUT to level it up, don't expect to get back the same amount that you used to feed it. Same goes for your equipment.

  • CRATE SALE : MUT used to buy crates are burnt!

  • TAMER LICENSE SALE : When you buy Tamer License using MUT, it is sent to null!

  • ANY FUTURE SALE : To put it simply, any sale in which MUT is a mode of payment will be burnt. Team gets nothing!

  • PARTNERSHIPS : Its a secret. But all you need to know that its a sink.

  • COSMETICS : You can change name, avatars, looks, colors and more to customize your tamer or your mutee or your gear. The MUT you pay for these changes are burnt!

  • DAO FUNDS : Our community also gets to decide what happens with the DAO funds. This opens the possibility of burning the MUT in the funds too. But that's for the DAO to decide!

We are open to suggestions from the community and would love to create more and more sinks for MUT. You name it and we'll do our best to implement it!



MUT regulators are basically direct and indirect ways to regulate the amount of MUT a player or a bot is able to earn by playing the game.

Increasing or decreasing the below mentioned ways can control the amount of MUT that is injected into circulation.

  • CARRYING CAPACITY : All tamers have limited carrying capacity. You'll need to come back to town and deposit the items you collect. Increasing or decreasing the carrying capacity of not just tamers but also of different items can prove to be very useful.

  • STAMINA: Every time you go to a different map (level), a fixed amount of stamina is drained from your tamer. How much stamina gets drained can vary.

  • SPAWN & DROP RATE (Qty+Rarity+size+Level) : You will encounter mutees in the wild which can also drop items. Not only that, you can also find raw materials that are needed for crafting various things. Their quantity, rarity, level and size and something that can be controlled.

  • IN-GAME RATES : Most of the things mentioned in the use-cases can have different MUT requirements. And those rates can be adjusted from time to time.

  • TEAM MUT : The MUT assigned to the team can be used for unprecedented market movements.

All these regulating factors can help us keep a check on how much MUT is injected into the economy. The best part is that DAO also has control over them!



Don't forget to invite your friends over to MuTerra! Every time they purchase something, you'll receive 1% of the amount straight to your hive wallet!

Read more about it here : Info on Referral Bonus





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MuTerra is set in a post-apocalyptic world where radiation has killed almost all of humanity and has mutated plants and animals. You, the survivors, are tasked with ensuring that humanity doesn't go extinct by exploring the wild, capturing the mutated animals and taming them.

MuTerra is a TCG + RPG game on HIVE blockchain.

  • RPG : explorations, raids, quests, interacting with NPCs, solving mysteries, character stories, and more

  • TCG : PvE and PvP battles, collect NFTs, trade them and fight other players using the cards you have collected to prove you are the better tamer.


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We reserve the right to change or modify any of the terms and values contained in this post or any other posts of MuTerra, at any time and in our sole discretion.

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