My Actifit Report Card: October 25 2024

Our car is now in the shop so hopefully we'll be able to get out to the forest and mountains soon - until then I'm stuck running the boring main roads around town.

At least today's route was the more scenic (and challenging) Sierry Peaks neighborhood which meant I had 3 good climbs to tackle (and gain around 500 feet) before I hit the crest with views of both Thumb Butte and Granite Mountain as a reward (as well as snow-capped Humphreys Peak off in the distance up in Flagstaff.
At this point I was maintaining a decent pace but the nice drop back down to the main drag allowed me to really enjoy some quick running.
I finished with a fraction over 7 miles - feeling good and hoping to run (well, mostly hike) a good number of miles in a few weeks in NM.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Gardening, Running, Walking

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