Beautiful Sunday + Sublime Sunday

More and more confirmed Covid cases reported... The Ministry of Education has announced that Petaling Jaya district... All the schools are closed again tomorrow till 25 October... Petaling Jaya is now a red zone area... Hopefully my friends who stay in that area are all fine and healthy... Stay home and stay safe...

My girls are still going to school tomorrow... Unless the MOE announces that the schools in my area also closed, then they will be staying at home again...

We have been staying at home for the weekends... No more going out for lunch or dinner... No more window shopping... No more Sunway Lagoon... I have been preparing my girls just in case there's another lockdown...

Getting them to be busy with art and craft... Drawing... Cross stitching, etc... Also they are really into playing Roblox... Even the 6 years old Vinnie is enjoying Roblox... I totally have no idea how to play the games šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…






Happy Sunday!

If you are not familiar with these two themes, BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108 and you can check out other BeautifulSunday post HERE. Whereas SublimeSunday is initiated by @c0ff33a. Find more Sublime Sunday posts HERE.

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