10 Random Things About Me

There's this 10 Random Things challenge started by @twodorks. What is this all about? Well, just like what the words says... 10 Random Things about ME... Thanks to @enginewitty for the tag... And the question asked... What question? What is the most embarrassing moment in your entire life?

Uhm... This is kinda embarrassing... Me being super Dory (yes, the Dory from Finding Nemo and Finding Dory), I can't really remember what's my most embarrassing moment... 😅😅😅 So if this question is being asked on stage, I can imagine me standing on the stage, Uhm... Ahhhh... Hehehe... Hahaha... Dead Air... Pretty embarrassing, right? @enginewitty does this count as answer to your question???

OK, straight to the point... 10 Random Things about me...

  1. I am super Dory... Haha... My memory is almost like Dory... Can't really remember lots of things... So please forgive me if I forget something, I didn't do that on purpose... Please remind me if you know I forgot something. Thanks!

  2. I am super blessed and lucky. I am always being surrounded by awesome people. Just like here in Steemit, I have my home team, Team Malaysia. Also a proud member of @TheAlliance (although I am a quiet one). Then being a mama... I am also a proud mama with @SteemitMamas...

  3. I love coffee. So coffee cheers to all my Coffee Kaki (a.k.a. coffee lover friends).

  4. I fell in love with Korean BBQ last year. Dunno why... I have always love Japanese cuisine over the Korean. But then now I am totally in love with Korean BBQ. So @zord189 when are we gonna go BBQ again ah?

  5. I am borned in the month of November. I used to be almost the youngest in most of my groups... But now... Time flies...

  6. I wish I am more of a risk taker... I missed out many opportunities of being a millionaire... LOL... If I would spare a few hundred bucks to buy Bitcoin back when it started in 2009... Yes, I stumbled upon Bitcoin that early... But I have no idea what that was. And then a second time when it was USD 400 per bitcoin... I didn't do anything other than collect it for free. If I would just pump in some fiat... Imagine how much wealthier I would be now... But nevermind... If it's not meant to be mine, it won't be mine anyway... Move on...

  7. I don't make up. I am too lazy to cleanse later. And I would rather use the time to sleep or space out...

  8. But if I do make up, I like mascara and lip gloss...

  9. I don't like my lip to be red. Just not my style.

  10. My natural hair is straight... Yes, real straight... So I like to have my hair permed... Will grow back my hair and permed it to be curly... Hopefully by the Chinese New Year of 2019.

OK... That's it from me... 10 really random things about me... And now is the time of me passing this challenge on to the next one... So who wanna do this? I will choose a few of you... And to accept it or not is entirely up to you.

@ireenchew @happycrazycon @iamjadeline @fitinfun @nomadicsoul @bboyady @htliao @deanliu

And my question is If you are given a chance to time travel, will you go back in time or will you visit the future? Why?

Rules of 10 Random Things

This challenge doesn't have to do anything with Steemit. Each person who decides to do the challenge will have to say at least 10 facts about yourself! Pretty easy right?! After that you need to ask one question and you have to tag that person to play along! Don't forget to use the hashtag #tenrandomthings so we can find your post!

And as usual to end my post... My MomentCam selfie... Embarrassing moment...

Image credits to @littlenewthings, @sireh and @skyleap

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If you are interested in the communities and groups I am in, you can find more details below here: -


The Alliance

The Steem Engine



The Freewrite House


The Man Cave

I am also one of the proud members of @ladiesofasia


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