Healthy mother for the healthier family 👪

Hello hives babies I'm back, I am so eager to share you another wonderful blessed experience that I have.

July 26 at 7:00 pm in the evening I went to buy a barbeque for us to have a dinner. When in was there some of the barangay health worker told me that I would nit forget to attend the upcoming Zumba for all on July 29 at 2 pm in the afternoon. But I was shocked because I haven't told anyone about that thing. But I genuinely reply that yes I will be there and participate for that.

Since July 29 is the first day of school. I was so busy preparing all the things for my first born which is Austine because he is going to be a kindergarten and I want give him a memorable first day of school like you know, buying him a new bags and uniform also papers and pencil that every children wishing of everytime when the class are started and fresh. But unfortunately I didn't made it due to have a financial problem. I don't have enough budget to buy all those things so what I did the old bag of him that suddenly rip was I sew it and still there's a remaining paper left and pencil he have from day care that's what he he use as of now until I can have the budget. Since I was so busy that day I forgot that there is a Zumba. After I drop austine to school since parents is not allowed to be gathered there I went home while my live in partner is waiting me at home because we are going to his family side at Managase Tabogon.

Afterwards, we're about passing by at our basketball court since I can looked over there at the inside because it is near at the road I am curious about what is going to happened not until some of Barangay Health Worker approached me that I have to be there and participate for the Zumba because I am member of BF1KD mom. And yes I almost forgot and I was rush to get back hime and changed clothes. Gladly they didn't start yet because they are waiting for the councilor of the Barangay.

Move in, when I was there they called me and said that I have to list my name in the sheet of attendance because they are going to give a raffle prizes for those who participate and I was surprise for what I have heard not only for the raffles prizes also there's a major prizes are waiting to those who are participating in dance Zumba.

If your wondering why there is a Zumba, it is an extension program of our municipality for the nutrition month since it is july. So it is not only our Barangay who was having this Zumba also the other Barangay. After that I sat down and the program began.






Before the Zumba dance begin the Rural Health Unit or RHU of our municipality explains why we are having a Zumba and why is it Zumba is included at celebrating of the month of nutrition. Here's her explanation Zumba is considered as a exercise to made us alive and healthy through Zumba the fats and gases of our body was prevented. Doing Zumba dance was very enough to gain more healthier body and mind.









After the explanation Zumba dance begins. It was very fun moment and it was my very first time to participate zumba with a lot of people. I was at the right front wearing a red headband, oink sleeveless,cycling and ofcourse a shoes.



While we are dancing the Rural Health Unit are busy gossiping who will be the winners of the major prizes which are the Zumba Hataw, Zumba Queen, Zumba Kid,Zumba King, Zumbalicious, and Zumba Gold.After the five songs that weve dance the raffle prizes are followed. And I win a small basin.



Well me as a participants I was hoping for some goods to be given of us but not knowing that I was going to be a ZUMBA QUEEN for the first ever unexpected moment that I never think of. I won as a Zumba Queen worth of 200 pesos that's enough I was so happy because thanks to the blessing I can buy mu son a new bag for his school.

So you see, even though there's nothing left with us god will provide it you have to believe him perfectly. To tell you honestly I never thought that I could win for that because for me participating for the program that they held is giving me a chance to be a better mother because if you can't be healthy then your family will also can't be healthy as a mother you have to be the source of all not only as a light of the family house, a stronger one but also tou have to be healthy so you can take care your family well.

I believe that, once a mother is healthy the whole family will be healthier.
Thank you for reading don't forget to be a healthy one.

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