Administrative management processes.

The current need to face contemporary challenges characterized by globalization, competitiveness and business dynamics requires modern organizations to generate timely responses to adapt to new paradigms; which requires paying greater attention to administrative management, which is conceived as the main change management that needs to be activated, allowing to create actions or decisions in the global business framework, in a coherent and timely manner.


Within this framework, administrative management should lead organizations to achieve processes, incorporate elements and conduct phases, taking into consideration both the external and internal context, within which it will seek to meet the requirements of stakeholders. In this sense, to ensure the normal operation of the same, they need the management to possess skills, as well as incentive skills for their teams, promoting participation in a pleasant environment, reactivating commitment at different levels of work.

In this way, administrative management arises, which applied as a strategic tool at the managerial level ensures the achievement of the organization's objectives that influence its viability and evolution. In fact, this process should not be applied in isolation, so it is necessary to formulate in an integrated and articulated manner all the tactical and operational plans that were established in a given period.


In this regard, according to Chiavenato and Sapiro (2011), the administrative management process involves "an emergent fact of learning, both individually and collectively first acting, then discovering and selecting what works and finally, retaining successful behaviors or actions." This implies achieving through an integrated leadership based on value and oriented to collaborative relationships, strategic alignment, process improvement and self-management that shares with people the vision of the organization towards the required change.

All of the above considerations allow us to affirm that, in order to initiate any administrative management process, it is important to establish the results that the social group intends to achieve, as well as the future context and the elements required for it to function effectively. This can only be achieved through an adequate execution of the administrative process. Since, the administrative management frames all the functions starting with the planning as the first stage that supposes the choice of the future goals that are expected to be reached. This is the basis on which activities are organized, directing the bases to determine the risk element and minimize it.

Reference consulted

  • Chiavenato, I. and A. Sapiro. (2011). Strategic Planning. Fundamentals and Applications. (2nd Ed.). Editorial Mc. Graw Hill / Interamericana Editores S.A., de C.V. Mexico.

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