YouTube Channel Appeal 2024

I didn't have 3 strikes. YouTube sent me 3 emails within the same minute saying I was banned and not banned. YouTube didn't say which of my videos violated their rules. I was not told why my JoeyArnold7 channel was suspended even after emailing YouTube multiple times. I even sent replies and messages to Google via Elon Musk's Twitter X since I was suspended. YouTube did restore my JoeyArnoldVN channel, they finally did the right thing, that only took Google several years to finally do. I was not given a clear enough explanation for why my JoeyArnold7 channel was terminated.

On the day I was banned, YouTube sent me 3 emails within the same minute. First email said I was banned. Second email said I wasn't banned. Third email said actually I was indeed banned. I received these three emails from YouTube at 05:28 AM PDT, Tuesday, the 18th day of October of 2022 meaning 2022-10-18. I've posted screenshots of these 3 emails online to places like my blogs, Twitter, and even email as I was trying to get YouTube to be more specific about what happened. As I've said many times over the years, YouTube tends not to give specific answers to why they suspend. I simply wanted YouTube to tell me which of my videos got strikes. I also wanted to download my videos via Google Takeout. When YouTube suspended me, I didn't have three strikes. YouTube refused to tell me what my strikes were for no matter how many times I tried asking them about it.

Scroll down for more details and for links to relevant articles and what not.

Screenshot at 2024-10-05 17-30-14.png YouTube Channel Appeal 2024
Oatmeal Daily - 2024-10-05 - Saturday | Published in October of 2024


My JoeyArnold7 YouTube Channel Appeal 2024

Google should let me download
I wanted to put out this article quickly talking about how my JoeyArnold7 channel was suspended without clear explanation. In this following post, I've included a few relevant links and details for the record. Some of the staff in Google could at least let me download my videos so I can have copies of them for my autobiography.

This is for the record
I'll try not to bore you today with too much of the details but I've talked about being censored in the past over the years. I'm trying to be excessively wordy at times in order to emphasize what has happened. If you research censorship and my name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, you may find articles and videos talking a little bit about it.

Been banned off many websites
I've talked about different times I've been banned, suspended, terminated, kicked off, erased, deleted, shadowed banned, and what have you, off the Internet, social media networks, video platforms, email, Facebook, Alphabet Google's YouTube, Elon Musk's Twitter X, Xanga, Wordpress, Instagram, TikTok, Snpachat, Discord, Rumble, Bitchute, and the list goes on and on.

Been getting suspended since at least 2010
My history with censorship on the Internet goes back to like the year 2010 if not longer. So, I say all of that to say it has happened to many of my accounts on different websites on the world wide web for over the past decade or probably the past fourteen years or longer. Censorship affected many people over the years all around the world. It's like modern-day book-burning. It can be understandable when a person like breaks rules, laws, community guidelines, terms and conditions, terms of services (TOS), policies, codes, and what not.

Censorship affects many people
But the problem is when rules are too vague. What's worse is then there is selective enforcement of the rules. I didn't want to spend too much time talking about all of that. I just wanted to give a quick outline to the issues of censorship. Often times it is the voices on the right that are censored which is really not fair. That's a crazy bias over one side. It is often the left who tries to silence anybody who dare question their monopoly over thought.

JoeyArnold7 YouTube Appeal

2024-10-05 - Saturday - 03:42 PM - Banned Log

I saw I could appeal for my JoeyArnold7 YouTube channel around 03:42 PM PDT LMS JSA on this Saturday, the 5th day of October of 2024. I posted this article talking about it at 05:38 PM. My JoeyArnold7 Google Gmail account must of been open on the Google Chrome web browser and that is when I saw they were giving me until 2027 to appeal for them to reinstate that channel. So, Ojawall was suspended in 2017. I haven't been able to get that one back. JoeyArnoldVN was suspended in 2018 and I got that back in I think 2023. JoeyArnold7 was suspended in 2022 and is still suspended. I've talked about these things over the years. I even made a new video today talking about it. I submitted a new channel appeal to YouTube for the heck of it. I did get JoeyArnoldVN back in 2023 so you never know. Maybe they will get it back if good staff sees my appeal and do the right thing by restoring my JoeyArnold7 channel on YouTube.

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