The path to richness part 2 - Are you rich?

In this series of posts my goal is to bring to the front the consciousness of your relationship with money. At the bottom of this post you will find the links to previous posts in the series.


In this moment it may seem to you that money and wealth and material abundance are something that is outside of you, that you need to achieve, but over time you will understand that your level of wealth is determined solely by the relationship you have with money.

I'm not one of those spiritual people who will tell you that true abundance has nothing to do with actual money and that spiritual people are beyond money and that it does not matter and that scholars need to be poor so that their minds are not distracted. bullshit. 🤦‍♂️ Absolutely not. When I talk about money and abundance I am talking in the most material sense of the words, how much money you have in the bank account, how big your investment portfolio is and how much monthly income you get (note, I wrote 'get' not 'create'; we'll talk about that in another post). Because the bottom line is that a Master is a rich man. What it means? That's exactly the purpose of this post, the second in the series.

In the title I asked "Are you rich?", And probably most of you would answer "no, I am not rich". But wait, do not be so certain that you are not rich.

And I want to illustrate my argument in the following story, about the fisherman and the businessman (source unknown):

There was a fisherman who every day was fishing for fish. Some he ate and some he sold in the market. One day a businessman met him sitting on the beach holding one fishing rod and said to him, "While you are fishing with one rod you could fish with two and catch double the amount fish,". "Then what?" asked the fisherman. "And then you could sit with three and four or five Fishing rods and fish a lot more fish". "Then what?" asked the fisherman again. "And then you would have enough money to buy a boat and go out to the sea to set up a net and fish a lot more fish". "Then what?" asked the fisherman. "Then you would get rich and buy a fishing boat and fish a lot more fish. Then you would be hiring employees, buy more boats and run an entire factory, and then instead of making an effort you would sit in an air-conditioned office and supervise the workers". "Then what?" asked the fisherman. "Then you would have time to go down to the sea with one rod and fish…." "And what do you see me doing now?" Asked the fisherman and continued fishing.

Real wealth does not depend on the amount of money you have in your checking account; it is not measured by the size of your investment portfolio or how many apartments you have purchased which now generate passive income. True wealth is all the amount of money you need to live in a way that expresses your value fulfillment, which is an adjective for your destiny in this life.

You are rich when there is nothing that limits you from expressing who you are.

Let's break it down into pennies. At this moment, are you rich? Certainly so! Because in this very moment when you read this post all your needs are met. There is shelter above your head, your stomach is full (otherwise you would not be focused on reading) and you are doing exactly, but exactly, what you need to do; That is, to read this post about the master's relationship with money.

And when you are able to move from one moment to the next with this consciousness of "I am rich in this moment because I express who I am", magic will happen - in its most materialistic form - and money will enter into your personal reality to support more and more expressions of who you are. For example, would you like to start a business? The money will come. Do you want more children? The money will come to support their economy and also a larger home. How will money arrive? We will talk about this in another post. Right now it's enough for you to know it will be there exactly when when you will need him.

But, if you live in a consciousness of scarcity and poverty, and constantly look at other people and compare, complaining why they have and you lack, and constantly worry "how can I also make the blow", and engage in jobs or occupations that do not express your true desire, then money will not come. Only when you are in the consciousness of abundance, money - in its most materialistic form, dollars, bitcoins, whatever - will come.

And there are those who now say "What are you talking about? I have to support a family, I do not have the privilege of leaving everything and following my passion.. Listen, I was a lawyer and I did not like it. My passion was to read books, teach, write on my blog, travel and meet other people. So I did both. For a period of time (years) I engaged in both advocacy and my passion while polishing and refining and directing my master’s consciousness.

No one comes and tells you to throw away your life and start from scratch. But in the post-corona era a lot of people are recalculating their route, and it's really time to keep track of your passion.

Consciousness precedes being. It may be annoying to hear that, because it is easier to go and invest in the stock market and make money or fill out a lottery ticket and fantasize about the money to come, but real money comes only when you follow the consciousness of authentic abundance.

Bottom line -

your homework is to practice "I'm rich" consciousness. Not as a mantra of positive thinking (positive thinking does not work and can be harmful. I have written about it here before), but as a deep understanding that you are already rich in this moment. And from this point you will go step by step and in each of them you will express more of your authentic self, your passion, the burning fire from within that is who you are. And then you will see the money comes.

And that concludes precept # 2 on your path to abundance.


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