The path to richness, part 1 - manage your money


In the following (at least 15) posts I will discuss the consciousness of rich people. One by one I will describe to you the right set of mind and heart, i.e, the consciousness of being abundant. I will also provide some practical tips about investments in 2022, but that will come only after I will have laid out the basics.


Do you wish to help someone you know who lives in financial distress? Share these posts with them. A few more months/years from today and they will thank you.


Precept # 1

There is a faulty thought that one who deals with the affairs of the spirit, consciousness for example, must sacrifice the material for the benefit of the etheric worlds. There is no greater nonsense than this. On the contrary, your relationship with money is a one-of-a-kind reflection of your relationship with the inner master.

And in this post I want to give you the first necessary tool on the path to your wealth.

I once had a student who did not check the monthly charge on his credit card. One day, he said, the landlord of his previous apartment called him and asked, 'When does the free subscription to Netflix ends?' It turned out that the guy had subscribed to the streaming service but forgot to cancel when he left the apartment. Because he did not check the monthly charges he continued to pay for half a year on Netflix for the benefit of the new tenants.

Look, if you ever want to be rich - not in the spirit, in real money, and momentarily let's put aside the definition of 'what is rich', I will write a separate post about it one day - then there is a basic, initial condition, a lesson for life, that if you do not study and apply, there is no chance you will be rich.

And that condition is managing your money, taking responsibility for your financial conduct.

One student, an elderly woman, said that for many years she let her husband manage the household finances. Their shared account, checkbooks, everything. What else? They were constantly in debt, experienced foreclosures, trials, lived from hand to mouth and barely survived. It took time but slowly she started managing her finances, revoked her husband's access to her account, checked the current balances every month, visited for the first time the bank clerk and negotiated debt coverage, went to lawyers and settled old debts; in short - daily management of her relationship with her money! Today she lives abundantly and can support her children and grandchildren.

Do you understand the point? As long as you let someone else manage your finances and avoid to check the balances(because it is convenient, and 'I do not want to mess with the bureaucracy'), you will not be rich. And why? Because money is just your energy. And if you do not know how to manage basic energy, small sums of money, you will not know how to manage large sums of money. If you received lots of money you would be ruined. So the smart and benevolent universe (code name for the inner master) knows how to take care of you and not give you a lot of money.

Some of you will now say 'What are you talking about? Poor people won the lottery and became rich.' True, there are (rare!) such cases. But I invite you to go and see what the money has done to them. Don't you know stories about people who received (or had) a lot of money but lost it pretty quickly and their lives were ruined? They did not know how to manage the energy of their money!

Do you want to be rich one day? Start with the most basic thing: manage the money you currently have. Check bank accounts, keep track of credit charges every month, know about every $$ that goes in and out of your wallet (physical or virtual), think carefully about who you are giving money to and from whom you are receiving money.

In short, be the master of your money.

And that concludes precept # 1 on your path to abundance.


Credit: Unspalsh

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