Warlands #8 (Volume 1) - Fallen Comrades

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The story so far: A giant dragon battle took place above the armies. Shim'Tar fell into the battlefield. The guardian dragon fell into the mountain. Delezar was killed by Verdemis but the others are buried under the rubble. Aalok and Elessa have both went for the Darklyte Armor but it is unclear who, if either, have it.

Sorry for the blurry cover!

Shim'Tar fell directly over the Dataran forces. Wiping out many, including the general Shrogram. Or not. He slices through the dragon's body and emerges as if to show everyone he is unstoppable!


Tessan gives a rundown of events. Even Malagen is somewhat surprised by what just took place. But Tessan's level headed analysis gets the vampire leader wondering if Aalok has the armor and betrayed him. Though it all seems more like happenstance to me. Tessan explains that Shim'Tar was their only dragon. So that alone is a big loss to them. But it also fell on their front tline troops. Which were mostly orcs and other races meant to protect the vampires during the daylight. The Eastern Kingdom forces also now get time to regroup.


Meanwhile, Elessa is in some kind of dream world. Not a dream so much but not her own past either. It mostly centers around a fairy dryad and the human King during the first war.

It retells the origin story basically. See Preview for more on that. But this time we get a little more information. Spoiler King Atrelegis IS Aalok. And Atrelgis is the person the dryad foretold would wear the Darklyte Armor and defeat Malagen.


Malagen captured him and turned him to a vampire. But also put a sort of obedience spell on him so that he would always serve Malagen. That was why Aalok seems so loyal thus far. But it was also how Malagen planned to escape his fate. Though at this point it is feeling like a self fulfilling prophecy. By not killing Atrelegis when he had the chance, Aalok, formerly Atrelegis now potentially has the Darklyte Armor. Which could mean the end of Malagen!


After living through Atrelegis' turning into Aalok, Elessa finds herself in a wasteland of graves. The former King is constantly burying the dead that he feels are his burden. The latest being Delezar. Elessa won't stand for this so after a little touchy feely, she convinces him to come with her.


They walk off together. Seemingly to escape back to reality.

This issue was a lot less action packed. But it does reveal a lot. The Datarans have taken a huge loss due to the dragon fight. Shim'Tar falling on their army seems almost as devastating as actually losing the dragon from their side. In addition to this, Malagen's death prophecy seems like a self fulfilling one. Had he just ignored it and killed everyone in the camp that night instead of taking the King and turning him into a vampire, he would have finished conquering all the Eastern Kingdoms. Instead the Darklyte Armor is within the former King's grasp now. The only question is, will Aalok overcome the obedience he is forced to have for Malagen? Or will Malagen's plan work out and grant him control over Aalok and by extension, possibly, the Darklyte Armor?

Still so many other questions as well. Is Elessa dead? Can the other heroes make it out of the cave before it collapses and kills them all? Did Verdemis die in the collapse? Can the mortal forces stand a chance now that Shim'Tar took out half the Dataran army? When will the demons attack? Guess we will find out soon.

To Be Continued!

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