Warlands #3 (Volume 1) - Dataran Rising

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The story so far: The vampires led by Aalok have attacked the Eastern Kingdoms and wiped out a human fortress. The survivors have fled to the elf capital in seek of aid. They are not welcome however as Elessa is an exile and her sister, the Queen orders her death.


In issue three we pick up right where we left off in two. The queen ordered the guards to kill her sister, Elessa. They hesitate however. So the queen leaps into action and attacks Elessa. The guards do not know what to do, defying an order for the Queen might not be as bad as killing a Princess, even if it was ordered by the Queen. The fight is short lived as Chancellor Khardev shows up and stops them. He orders them in front of the council to plead their cases. Elessa is able to convince the council to give her a chance to prove the Dataran threat is real. They grant her a small amount of soldiers and a few ships. She is worried if they cannot prove the threat to her homeland, the Queen may get her wish and convince the council to abandon the other races. But they set out at first light.


Meanwhile, a group of Myrish soldiers spot a small travelling band on horses. They sweep in and surround the group, questioning who they are. The group is all robed and do not answer so they shoot the leader's horse. Turns out to be Aalok and his vampires. Verdemis makes short work of the horsemen with his strange ball that shoots out chain whips. The vampires are happy the patrol found them so they can finally feed and not have to make a pitstop in another town.


Aalok and his force had set out days ago to find the Darklyte Armor. He wants to retrieve it and deliver it to Malagen. Though this does not seem to be Malagen's plan. The group of orcs aiding the vampires use a Myrish soldier as a sacrifice to open a portal. Malagen, Shrogran, and the others have now arrived to the frontlines.


Malagen acts like Aalok's leaving for the armor is part of his plan, but Korzeth does not seem so convinced. But Malagen orders his forces through the portal as well.


Our party of four has set sail fresh off their rest at the elvish capital. They have been given new clothes and food and are having pleasantries. Delezar tells Elessa she would make a great Queen, while Jerell and Zana converse about the coming battles.

Their pleasantries are short lived as they see an approaching ship surrounded by some birds. Or so they thought. Turns out to be demons!


The war is picking up in this issue. We have a skirmish in the fields. The elves may join forces with the other races. Malagen's forces have arrived. And we see that demons are also going to be a part of this war as they go to attack the main party.

Things are really not looking so great for the races of the Eastern Kingdoms. They already lost to the vampires before and the horde's power just grew over the previous centuries while the races of the Eastern Kingdoms are scattered and unorganized. To top it off Orcs, Demons, and other creatures seem to be on the vampire side. How can our little party of 4 overcome these odds?

To Be Continued!

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