Quarter 4 report for 2022


The big picture of LUV

The goal and roadmap of LUVshares remains unchanged: to spread love around the Hive blockchain.

Since the last quarter's report, approximately 33,000 LUV tokens have been given out. Almost all were given out Hive-user-to-Hive-user by calling the !LUV command. That's roughly around 350 every day, person-to-person, each time saying, "Here, have some LUV."

Prior reports:
2022 Q3 report - @luvshares/quarter-3-report
2022 Q2 report - @luvshares/quarter-2-report-2022
2022 Q1 report - @luvshares/quarter-1-report-2022
2021 Q4 report - @luvshares/quarter-4-report-2021
2021 Q3 report - @luvshares/quarter-3-report-2021
2021 Q2 summer report - @luvshares/summer-report-2021
See the D.buzz buzz that first hinted at LUV or read LUVshares' first post that started it all.

Ave. daily LUV emitted321 (293 last qtr)See Graph 1 below.
30 day ave. emitted389 (351 last qtr)See Graph 1.
Current circulating supply220,000 (180,000 last qtr)See Graph 2. 209,579 in wallets, 10,421 held by @LUVshares awaiting emission.
Wallets that have held LUV11,150 (9,188 last qtr)
Wallets holding > 0 LUV8,794 (8,179 last qtr)See richlist here or here.
Wallets able to use the LUVbot (to share LUV)2,130 (1,932 last qtr)These are wallets with at least 10 LUV.
LUV Legends108 (106 last qtr)LUV legends hold at least 750 LUV and are followed by @badge-588588. They receive a badge (shown on Peakd). If you meet this requirement and want a badge, contact @crrdlx.
Current Whale-of-Legends@kryptodenno with 4,230 LUVThis is the largest LUV holder, followed by @imagenius.dac and @happyme in 2nd and 3rd.
Amount sold by @LUVshares0
Percent freely given away100

Graph 1

LUV shared via the LUVbot.

Graph 2

The circulating supply of LUV. This is the amount of LUV minted. Most tokens are in Hive wallets, except for those in the @LUVshares account which are waiting to be emitted by the LUVbot.


During the past quarter - the past three months - I'm happy with how LUV has been doing. First of all, "steady" is the word I'd use for LUV. The emissions graph (graph 2) has grown to be surprisingly steady in its linear growth. I like that. Also, the move to hardfork 26 (HF26) has been a great thing for LUV (and for Hive). A couple of reasons:

  1. Things are just faster! Before HF26, it took about 60 seconds from someone posting a reply with the !LUV command and the LUV token being transferred to the intended recipient. After HF26, it was down to about 16 seconds! I wrote some details here. I'll include the animated gif below illustrating this.

  2. The ability to delegate Resource Credits (RCs) has been a tremendous thing. It has taken some tweaking to get it right, and I'm still not entirely done tweaking, but RC delegation is wonderful. It's enabled me to hold onto my Hive Power (HP) in my own account, while allowing me to delegate almost all of my RCs to @LUVshares (and some to @Hivebits). Mostly, I worry much less. Whereas the LUV account had been constantly concerned with RCs (if the account runs out of RCs, there are no LUV transfers). Now, things seem much more steady.

  3. Hive seems to have a heart. For instance, there is the Hive water project. Also, there is the HiveBuzz NFT for Peace in its replies. Since the mission of LUV is to spread love on the Hive blockchain, the NFT for peace just seems to fit. LUVshares has been trying to help remind users of this opportunity to assist. If you haven't already, perhaps consider purchasing an NFT. The use of the Hive-money has been well-documented by @zirochka.

NFT for peace

LUV command and transfer after HF26 shown in real time.

Nearly all LUV during the past quarter was shared user-to-user via the LUVbot. This has been the norm (and that's good). This is what was described as the "Proof-of-Love" "mining" algorithm. This is different in that your efforts don't reward you, but your efforts rewards others.

Some LUV, perhaps 2,000, were given out during some online Hive activities as support for those activities and users. Mostly, this was done thanks to the effort of @wesphilbin. Wes has been a big help on the LUV Discord and in other ways. Thanks Wes.

Looking forward

Looking to the future, the number one goal is to maintain the ability for Hive users to share LUV via the LUVbot.

I'd encourage the continued use of the #LUV tag. Also, don't forget the LUV community and consider subscribing there.

Summary and final thoughts

LUV is steady. That's good. 🙂

written by @crrdlx


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