Mining - a different perspective

When Bitcoin instituted "mining" for coins, it took a little getting used to. Personally, it was difficult to undo the old definition of mining...that of literally digging and chiseling gold or diamonds out of rock. The concept of mining as completing math puzzles to win the right to generate new blocks, to claim new coins, and to secure the chain took some mental wrangling.

A new way to mine?

Here's perhaps another new way of looking at mining.

The LUV token is emitted when Hive users call the LUVbot using the !LUV command. In this way, people are "mining" LUV. With Bitcoin, a miner's actions as Proof-of-Work result in new coins minted. With LUV, a Hive users actions as "Proof-of-Love" result in new tokens emitted. In both cases, user actions or "mining" yield the same tokens are injected into a user's wallet and into the ecosystem.

But, there is a difference in LUV "mining." It is not done for the miner himself or herself, instead, the mining is done for others. The goal of LUV is to spread love around Hive, and by mining LUV for another user, I think this is being accomplished.

So, what's in it for me?

Usually, we people are selfish by nature. Doing things for me is easy, for someone else...hmm? Plus, classically liberal economics teaches us that each rational, selfish person acting in his or her own best interest maximizes the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

So, what's in this LUV mining for me? Two things come to mind:

  1. Sharing love is always a good thing and it gives a good feeling to give without expecting anything in return.
  2. Somehow, I think such good will will come back around again to the giver in some way.


LUV should be shared. Share the LUV.

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