Foray into the Extraverse : Mother (and my first NFT)

I finally gathered all the courage I had and decided to plunge into one of the Portals I had discovered in the heart of the Forest of Girolden.

I was not quite prepared for what I felt, for I felt nothing. Or did I feel everything? I do not know. I did not feel my body, yet I was aware of every nerve ending. My eyes could not focus at one point, yet everything was in focus. There was no centre or periphery. Everything was one.

Did I travel through the portal and arrive somewhere? Or did I stay in the portal? Time did not seem to have any meaning here. For I do not know how long I was here. Is this what the First One meant when he said he did not understand what we meant by first.

This is what I saw or thought I saw. Where is this ? What is this? I do not know. But there was only one thought at that moment : Mother

How did I come out of the portal? Was I guided out? Who did it? Mother?
I do not know.

After my foray through the portal, I know of two other brave entities who made the same journey and came out unscathed. They are @senorcoconut and @castleberry . Had the portals finally been unlocked for non-Watcher entities? Did we all have access to the Extraverse now?

----The Historian


Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing fine. Thank you all very much for the constant support and encouragement :).

This time, I tried something different. I was inspired by @clayboyn 's @clayboyn/some-julia-fan-art-and-a-prayer-to-the-alien-queen. I generated a fractal art image with MandelBrowser for android, did some edits in Krita, then passed the generated image through the Deep Dream Generator and modified it on PhotoMosh.

This was the fractal image generated on MandelBrowser:


On PhotoMosh, I applied the wobble and mirror filters, if you want to know.

I am happy to announce that this will be my first NFT on NFT Showroom and I made 3 editions. I wish to keep one and two are for sale, for 10 Hive. So I guess you now know why those 2 entities who went into the portal are not yet revealed ;)

EDIT : The two entities have been revealed. Thank you both @senorcoconut and @castleberry so much for buying the NFT. I did take castleberry's permission to use his name in the story above. Regarding senorcoconut, I did message him/her, I did not get a reply. Hope you do not mind me using your name in the story, if you do, please let me know and I will remove it.

Congratulations to NFT Showroom for 10,000 NFTs sold and to all the great artists who were involved and of course, the collectors. I wish to participate in the contest too. You can check out my NFT, with the full resolution video as the NFT here :

All the writing in this post is mine, inspired by the images generated, my previous posts and my socio-cultural influences.

Thank you all and see you in the next one!

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