The Magi from Girolden


Of all the living beings I have encountered in my countless travels in the multiverse, none are more fascinating than the Shape Shifting Magi from Girolden. It is one thing shape shifting into another living form (which in itself is an extraordinary feat), but what these Magi are able to accomplish is nothing short of near impossible. These Girolden Magi are able to shape-shift into an inanimate object and lie still for many days together without even the slightest of movements. This power enables them to be present anywhere and everywhere without being detected.

They use a variety of potions they concoct themselves for this very purpose. Here, you can see a depiction of one such Magi in the midst of a transformation. And another, almost having completely transformed. The transformation is so complete that one has difficulty in judging which of the objects in this scene is a Magi and which one is a real inanimate object.

Hello everyone, hope you are doing fine. I would at the outset, like to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to this wonderful community that we have here. The support and encouragement I receive here is endearing, humbling and overwhelming all at the same time. Thank you all 😀🙏. It pushes me to do better every time I try.

This is another AI generated art that I present to you, although it was my effort to move from AI generated to AI assisted art. This one took so much time over so many days that Google Colab finally said that I could not access the GPU. If it had allowed further access, I might have continued with my experiments further.

This image was AI generated with VQGAN+CLIP using Google Colab. The prompts were mine and the writing above is entirely mine, a figment of my imagination. Any resemblance to any creatures is purely coincidental and/or as a result of reading and watching too much fiction and fantasy ;)

As I kept reading and watching more about AI generated art, I wanted to give more specific directions to the AI software this time. I gave it an initial image prompt - a rough sketch pointing towards a narrower image creation. This is what I used as the initial image :


I gave my prompts and the best I was able to generate was :


This was ok... nowhere near what I had in mind...Then I modified this image a little by drawing a few lines on either side of the character to see if the AI will draw trees from those lines. I wanted a few trees or at-least one. This is the modified image :


I gave similar prompts and let it run. I was able to generate this :


No trees again! The AI just wiped those lines away. Still, this image looked cute and I was tempted to stop here. I had already tried many combinations. I thought I will try one final time with the above image as the initial image and giving the text prompt more like a sentence and here is what the AI generated :


I was pretty happy with this one. I finally had the tree and a few rocks the details were pretty good too! I imported this into procreate and upscaled and resampled to a higher resolution. Here's the upscaled version :

Here are a few images generated during the process, many seemed interesting :






Thank you everyone for reading and seeing these images. Hope you liked them. See you in the next one!

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