Politics Yes, Politics No !

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This post is my entry for the weekly featured content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is Politics For All?

I would like to start this post with this beautiful quote by Mao Zedong

Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.

I am 32 years old today, and ever since I became aware, I have been observing the politics of my country. I vividly remember that in my childhood, we used to put up election posters on walls and chant slogans in favour of the candidate from our area. At that time, we did not understand politics, but as we grew older, our understanding increased, and so did our interest in politics. At the age of 18, I cast my first vote.

We vote because we expect that the leaders who get elected will work for our benefit. However, since gaining independence in 1947, my country has faced nothing but exploitation. Only the first few years saw the country being managed properly, but after that, there has been nothing but conspiracies. To gain power, brothers have killed each other, proving that the thirst for power is very dangerous and can compel a person to do things they could never have imagined.


After observing so much, I have come to the conclusion that politics is a very corrupt game in which people become so blinded by the desire for power that they care for nothing else. When they achieve power, they only plunder the country while the poor masses continue to suffer. This has been the norm here—common people are becoming poorer, and the rulers are getting richer and richer. No decent person should get involved in this quagmire.

But looking at the other side of this issue, I think that if we remain silent and none of us gets involved in politics, then those who have been imposed on us will make our situation even worse.

If I ever get the chance to become a politician, I will never waste that opportunity. Having lived among the people and seen their problems firsthand, I will strive to solve them. I will work to improve the lives of those living below the poverty line and create ease for middle-class families who are most affected by the high cost of living.

Given the kind of person I am, I don’t think I would get lost in the allure of politics. I would never put money above people because I know that all of this is temporary, and we all have to leave this world one day.

I know how to fight for my own rights, so I will also fight for the rights of others and make every possible effort to improve their lives. I hope our politicians start thinking this way so that the life of the common man becomes easier. Given the current situation, even securing two meals a day has become extremely difficult.

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