Depression Is like A Slow Poisoning!

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is Depression Is Real


I would like to start this post with this quote by Andrew Solomon

"Depression is the flaw in love. To be creatures who love, we must be creatures who can despair at what we lose, and depression is the mechanism of that despair."

Before digging deep into today's topic, let us first discuss what is depression and how people fall into this killing trap of depression. I am not going to search for it on the internet, I will only give my views.

What is Depression?

To me, Depression is a state of mind, when our mind starts to think that, no one is here for us, or no one cares for us. we start to feel disconnected from the people. It's not a short-term condition or disease. One falls into this over a period of time when different life events and negative behaviour of the people around him force one to think, he/she doesn't belong to this world.


This lets them think negatively and get tensed over little happenings.

How Depression Can Kill You?

As I said in the title Depression is like a slow poisoning. It enters your body and starts to dismantle you and your body. It doesn't mean the person going through depression will start to misbehave with the people around him, with them, they behave normally and no one can think or imagine that this person is going through depression, but when they are alone, Their loneliness made them think about suicide and other negative things. Some even try to kill themselves. One more thinking they start to get very little sleep which disturbs their mind even more.


Some Depressed I know

Life has its turnings. some can give you a lot of happiness and others can sadden you. you need to have a strong mind step and a firm belief that, these steps back and hard times are not going to last forever. they came and they will be gone like the good time.

There was a person I know who killed himself because of depression. it was very shocking news for all of us because that person was serving on a high level in the Pakistani government and no one could ever think that he could do suicide.

he struggled a lot to reach the post where he was serving, he had everything. a house, a big car, money. Indeed Everything that a human needs to live a happy life, but why he suicide? nobody knows. There should be a reason that causes him to fall into a depression state which leads him to take his life.

What Lesson I get From This experience?

I think we need to keep an eye on the people living with us, we need to check if they are living a depression-free life, and if is there anything that is disturbing them and can cause them to fall into depression. We need to be very careful about it as it can take life !!!

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