I love difficulties, They Make Me Stronger !

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is Embracing The Difficulties

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I would like to start this post with this beautiful quote by Arnold Schwarzenegger

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."

Our life is a combination of hard work and easy time. It is not a name for living a luxurious life all the time, also it is not a name for dealing with difficulties all the time. there is a balance created by our God. One can not achieve success if he/she does not go through difficulties.

I have heard from a very wise man that, an easy life creates weak men and so on and men should not be weak, otherwise, they won't be able to tackle the difficulties that come in their lives.

The image is Created By Gencraft

My Life till now has given me enough difficulties that, now I can easily say that, I can tackle any difficulty that comes my way or at least, I can try my level best to tackle any difficulty with being broke.

People may get scared or worried when the difficulties strike their door, Some even lose hope, but I accept/welcome them with open arms and with a smile on my face because I know they are only here to make me stronger.

You may be wondering where I get this strength to face difficulties with such a positive attitude

It is my belief in my ALLAH, that empowers me against every difficulty that I face, because I know, that ALLAH never gives you difficulties more than your patience.

He knows you more than everyone, he knows your powers, your strength, your weaknesses. He only gave us difficulties to test our belief in him. Those who kept their belief in God in the difficult times are the ones who will be rewarded in this life and also in here afterlife.

The image is Created By Gencraft

As I Said difficulties are here to teach us lessons, and we all should learn from those lessons and try to implement them in our lives, The strength and lessons we get will help us in fighting future difficulties.

Hopefully, all the readers will get the message that I tried to give from this write. Thanks for reading.

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