
Lauren Chen was on Friday Night Tights.

Please consider the value of Natural Perspective as Covid Vaccines kill many people.

First, they push you off the ship, and then, second, they toss you a life saver. But then, third, you may not get it in time. It may be way over there. And then you end up drowning and then, fourthly, they say, "But we tried our best to save that dear soul." And then, number five, they say, "Because of this, everyone on the ship must remain in lockdown inside their rooms at all times. If you don't, you will have to walk the plank."

Steele mentioned the idea of CountyNet. Also, he mentioned an idea of a CountyCoin which loses value the farther away from the county the coin moves in order to incentivize investing back into the same community as opposed to going excessively and obsessively overseas aggressively, as in too much and too often. I confess I fell for fake news when I thought Babbit died. I was wrong. Steele says Wall Street and others stolen 100 trillion dollars. People in power plants in Texas were ordered to lower down, to power down to zero percent in most cases, the documents are here, you can read the documents, they were ordered to do this on purpose, this is KILLING PEOPLE, and YOU DO NOT CARE. Do you have no friends or family in Texas? 2021-02-14 - Sunday - 08:51 PM EST - The 14th of February of 2021 - DOE Order Number 202-21-1 was issued for Texas (ERCOT), for more info, go to Energy dot gov, their official government website.

Texas Being Murdered

The Department of Energy (DOE) was ordered to turn off the power in Texas which is causing people to die. They're literally murdering people and nobody cares. The evidence is right there, we can all grab and share it. But nobody cares that thousands to millions of Texans are starving and freezing to death. I said, to death. The Department of Energy told Texas they CANNOT produce more energy, that is why people are dying. DOE Order Number 202-21-1 mentions ERCOT (ISO), this document can be read on their official government website, you can go there, you can read it, you can pass it on to your friends, or you can let your friends die in the cold in Texas with no power. Texas electricity bill for your power, just this week now, went from $50 per Megawatt to over $9000 per Megawatt. Breaking News, Megan Fox is an Anti-Masker which means she is Pro-Vitamin, we are all going to die.

Natural Perspective
West Coast Camp for 5 consecutive years

February of 2021

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2021-02-19 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-02-19 - Friday
Published in February of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-02-19 16:14:50.png

Lauren Chen was on Friday Night Tights

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Steele mentioned the idea of CountyNet. Also, he mentioned an idea of a CountyCoin which loses value the farther away from the county the coin moves in order to incentivize investing back into the same community as opposed to going excessively and obsessively overseas aggressively, as in too much and too often.

Breaking News, Megan Fox is an Anti-Masker which means she is Pro-Vitamin, we are all going to die.

First, they push you off the ship, and then, second, they toss you a life saver. But then, third, you may not get it in time. It may be way over there. And then you end up drowning and then, fourthly, they say, "But we tried our best to save that dear soul." And then, number five, they say, "Because of this, everyone on the ship must remain in lockdown inside their rooms at all times. If you don't, you will have to walk the plank."


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

I confess I fell for fake news when I thought Babbit died. I was wrong.

Texas Being Murdered:

2021-02-19 - Friday - 12:04 PM - Hive Blog:

The Department of Energy (DOE) was ordered to turn off the power in Texas which is causing people to die. They're literally murdering people and nobody cares. The evidence is right there, we can all grab and share it. But nobody cares that thousands to millions of Texans are starving and freezing to death. I said, to death.

The Department of Energy told Texas they CANNOT produce more energy, that is why people are dying.

People in power plants in Texas were ordered to lower down, to power down to zero percent in most cases, the documents are here, you can read the documents, they were ordered to do this on purpose, this is KILLING PEOPLE, and YOU DO NOT CARE. Do you have no friends or family in Texas?

These groups made many billions of dollars when power comes in through them and into Texas, a big scam. But it is worse than that as people lost power in Texas. There is more than enough power in Texas. There is no reason why there had to be blackouts in Texas where people were freezing to death. Pets went outside in Texas and froze to death this week.

2021-02-14 - Sunday - 08:51 PM EST - The 14th of February of 2021 - DOE Order Number 202-21-1 was issued for Texas (ERCOT), for more info, go to Energy dot gov, their official government website.

15 million Texans plunged into darkness, it could have been avoided.

News Guard is run by Bill Gates and Soros.

The order issued on Sunday said Texas will be very cold for the next several days and it described those days as an event. I'm not making this stuff up. You can read it for yourself on their website. It's crazy.

They turned off the power in Texas but at the same allowed people to buy power from outside Texas but at a much higher cost. And by the way folks, this is very similar to what the EU did to the UK during Brexit.

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Megan Fox

2021-02-19 - Friday - 03:20 PM

Breaking News, Megan Fox is an Anti-Masker which means she is Pro-Vitamin, we are all going to die.

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Trump vs Biden

03:23 AM

I bet people Trump won. Well, Trump won. I didn't specifically bet that Biden would not have an inauguration. I knew they were planning on having a fake inauguration for Biden no matter what. What I don't know is whether or not Trump is or will be President. I believe that military either has or could have power over Biden, constitutionally. The military could come in to save the day assuming they are not trying to already. I cannot say what is happening. I hope good things happen but we must assume bad thing will continue to happen. I will probably not pay out all the bets I made with people regarding Trump winning. Technically, Trump got more votes. This means I basically won my bets. I didn't bet on a specific inauguration. Well, except for one person I bet with him there would be a Trump inauguration the 20th of January. Well, perhaps there was a secret one. But regardless, I feel that my bet is rendered null and void by the fact Biden and others cheated. If everything was fair and square, then I would pay people what I owed them in all the bets I made with them which totals to many thousands to millions of dollars. I made crazy claims betting many thousands of dollars to a dozen of people or more. But Biden cheated. The bet is on the foundation and assumption that no cheating is involved. The contract between Trump and Biden, which is what the bet was grounded upon, was breached, violated, rendering such a bet null and void, that is my rebuttal.

Oatmeal High Council

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Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

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Regarding Discord & Terminal

05:17 PM

There is another group I am in where the preview never works for me and it works for everybody else every time for the past year now.

I was worried that I might be seeing what I see in the the Peace, Abundance, Liberty server on Discord where the preview never works no matter what.

I was able to share the post preview in Discord after trying a few times.

I've had the preview show up here in The Terminal server and then when I posted the same exact post in the Peace, Abundance, Liberty server on Discord, the same exact URL, the preview did not load. It has been happening for over a year now on that other server. That is why I was asking today on this server.

When you post a link, Banjo does not pop up to help load the preview. That did not happen. Banjo does show up in other servers when you post links. So, I was surprised to suddenly see Banjo appear today when I was posting a link.

Did you summon Banjo to do that just for my link?

Regarding Hive Blog & Bernie Sanders

06:10 PM

I sometimes feel like not speaking up when I see downvotes partly because I feel I could be blown out of the water similar to the things that happened to accounts which attempted to expose the Bernie Sanders accounts and bots and everything on Steemit these past few years going back to at least 2017 and I want to say allegedly in the sense of I don't exactly if that Bernie character was right or wrong in flagging people everywhere. From my perspective, I think Bernie was a little insane. Is he on Hive? Should I duck for cover lol?

Regarding Being Muted & Flagged?

06:23 PM - Hive Blog

No. It does not show the appearance of being muted. It shows the appearance of being downvoted. The photos are hidden and it actually says that the photos were hidden due to, and I actually quote from what I see on Hive Blog, it says, verbatim, "This post was hidden due to low ratings." See the screenshot. But it does NOT have LOW RATINGS. That is a LIE.

Screenshot at 2021-02-19 18:15:45 - Rick Arnold Post - This post was hidden due to low ratings.png

The points I've been making regarding problems are nuance and several folded. You're making points of things people do and can do. It is like running into problems on Twitter. You would be the guy saying to me, "Go to Gab, Minds, Bitchute, Brighteon, Hive Blog, blockchain networks, alternative social media in general, other places, other things, etc, etc, etc." We can talk all day until we are blue in the face from wearing masks. We can talk all day about what we can do. I don't disagree with what you are saying.

However, you're missing some if not all of the points I'm making regarding what travel is, the fact that muting should not equate to having low ratings, to how a group is simply a tag from a technical perspective on how websites work, how new users should be given warnings, how such actions can scare away people who are new to Hive Blog, and the list goes on and on and on, etc, etc, we can talk forever about the details, the nuances of everything.

Talking About Leo Finance

2021-02-19 - Friday - 08:54 PM PST LMS JA - Tech Log

Oh, thanks, your link gave me my first preview of Leo Finance. Based on what I read on that post, if true, that doesn't really motivate me to use Leo. Well, I've been thinking about using Leo. I've heard about it on and off for like months now.

Is Leo Finance just a different app of Hive Blog blockchain like Ecency, PeakD, Hive.blog, etc, or is Leo Finance kind of separate like a connected chain to the Hive blockchain? Does Leo have their own Leo tokens? Are there like any posts on Leo which do not also display on the entire Hive blockchain or ecosystem in general?

I would only defend Leo to the extent they were to say they would censor and block certain things, if they actually said they would. I'm going to guess Leo never specified. One of my concerns would be in regards to hypocrisy, double standards in how rules are enforced differently for different users as seen on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. So, for example, if Leo said you can do anything, say anything, but then they come out downvoting and flagging some people for certain things, then I find that to be kind of like a Pharisee. It's kind of like a contradiction, a paradox, to say you support free speech while running around calling white guys a bunch of racists, sexists, deplorables, etc.

By the way, I have not flagged. I don't downvote. I prefer just to focus on upvoting what I like as opposed to focusing on downvoting. Like if Hive was a garden, downvoting would be like pulling weeds and upvoting would be like planting flowers, trees, other plants, etc. I'm going to be focused on watering the garden. Not that I don't think pulling weeds is never ever necessary. I understand the value of pulling weeds.

In some ways, you can argue to say accounts can downvote for any reason or for no reason at all. So, I am not going to necessarily disagree that an account can purposely or accidentally flag. However, I will say that if I see somebody downvote something and I don't like it, I may write about it in order to let people know. To use another analogy, downvoting might be like punching a person in the face. I would rather not sweep you off your feet. The old master guy in The Karate Kid films would generally use the attacks of his opponents against themselves. In other words, as opposed to attacking, he would do some Kung Fu stuff to use their own momentum against them. Which reminds me of Jedi Master Yoda in Star Wars. And even Yoda would fight people which brings up the the fact that there is a time for war and a time for peace, a time to upvote and a time to downvote. But for me and my own little soul, I'm going to focus on upvoting most of the time.

Yeah, like you said, it looks like some big dolphin accounts or whale accounts are running around like Will Smith in Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, starting trouble in my neighborhood, da da, I got in one little fight and mom got scared, she said you're moving with your auntie to a place called Bel-Air.

About Live-Streaming

10:38 PM

Have you done Stream Yard before? I like it. There is also OBS. I think Skype has limitations on how many different people you can call at the same time. Zoom is pretty popular. And the list goes on and on. But Stream Yard could be the easy option for now. Well, the free version of Stream Yard which you can access via a web browser lets you talk to up to 6 or maybe 8 people at the same time.

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

Talking About Spirits

2021-02-19 - Friday - 03:00 PM - Time Space Log

Read a Quayle article talking about somebody at a store in the electronics department. So many TVs, thought he saw like a demon, ghost, spirit, interdimensional being. It was caught on video and then later disappeared off the video I guess. I don't think you can erase stuff off the video. And how could a camera even pick it up? But the being had like chicken feet. It came towards him and then disappeared. He showed somebody who saw it. Reminds me of a story told by my older sister's friend, I want to say like Alysia. How do you spell her name? Earley. Like early in the morning. Might have been in 1990 or at least before 1994 when she told the story of how her TV was unplugged. But they thought they saw a person or something come out of it. These creatures may feed off negative energy similar to a Star Trek Next Generation episode where they go back in time to the 1800s and these time spirits would travel through time and take sick people to feed off their spirits and the crew used electronics to see these spirit creatures. It was hard to see them as they went through time and space at different time intervals.

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

About Oatmeal Daily

2021-02-19 - Friday - 02:33 AM - Hive Blog

I have a text file for each day of the month. As I do things on the Internet, I simply copy and paste those things to the file of the day and I simply copy and past the content of the file to Hive Blog, to Steemit, to different websites, each day. So, I have template text files too. So, each month, I have the templates ready, I copy and paste the template into 30 or so files for each day of the month. I also have files for each month, each year, each decade, each century, etc. I try my best to take shortcuts. Sometimes, I have so much info that I can't post it. There is a limit to how big a single post can be which was last time I checked around 50 kilobytes worth of words or possibly closer to like 45 KB. Well, I forget exactly but pretty sure it is less than 50 KB. That is the apx limit for a post I think. The purpose of the daily posts is just to archive my life, to create backups of my life. The info is kind of not very well organized. So, the Oatmeal Daily posts are not really designed for people to read. In other words, it can be boring or whatever the case might be. There may be inside jokes or isolated thoughts. There are a few links. It can be all over the place. But I force myself to post them each day as a starting point. But then I do try to post ordinary posts designed for people to read on top of that. I try a little harder to make the ordinary posts to be a little bit more understandable than my daily posts might be.

Muting vs Flagging

12:25 PM - Hive Blog

Muting is better than a flag but the problem is in regards to a post that is literally not in that group in the sense that a mute either does or should remove the group tag to then remove the post from the group. If muting does not remove the post from the group, what does it do? If muting removes the post from the group, then why does the mute have continual effect on a post which is no longer in that group? Why does a post which is not mute outside the group on my own home page have to appear as if it was downvoted or flagged? My concern is with what and how muting works.


The Expanse

2021-02-19 - Friday - 01:19 AM - 02:17 AM - The Expanse 510

They go to save her. They plot a plan to save Naomi. Mars placed on martial law like Burma or America? That one guy has a stroke and dies. They save her. He died saving her. Goodbye message was good. Build on it and move on. But not goodbye as she is still alive. Heart breaking and motivational too. Bottle drop. Little help. It crashes and breaks. Mars and Belters worked together against Earth; and they have the proto-molecule, that is samples of it. They blew up huge ships.

Robert David Steele


Steele mentioned the idea of CountyNet. Also, he mentioned an idea of a CountyCoin which loses value the farther away from the county the coin moves in order to incentivize investing back into the same community as opposed to going excessively and obsessively overseas aggressively, as in too much and too often.

I confess I fell for fake news when I thought Babbit died. I was wrong.

Steele says Wall Street and others stolen 100 trillion dollars.

Many groups focused on protecting children end up doing the opposite to have terrible people harrassing the kids or worse. That includes the Boy Scouts.

Ron Gibson


The department of justice (DOJ) was ordered to turn off the power in Texas which is causing people to die. They're literally murdering people and nobody cares. The evidence is right there, we can all grab and share it. But nobody cares that thousands to millions of Texans are starving and freezing to death. I said, to death.

The Department of Energy told Texas they CANNOT produce more energy, that is why people are dying.

People in power plants in Texas were ordered to lower down, to power down to zero percent in most cases, the documents are here, you can read the documents, they were ordered to do this on purpose, this is KILLING PEOPLE, and YOU DO NOT CARE. Do you have no friends or family in Texas?

In the federal document, it says to the power plants in Texas will be prosecuted if they don't exhaust all external out-of-state power sources first. They were suddenly ordered as seen in the document to turn off power plants.

DOE Order Number 202-21-1 mentions ERCOT (ISO), this document can be read on their official government website, you can go there, you can read it, you can pass it on to your friends, or you can let your friends die in the cold in Texas with no power.

Texas electricity bill for your power, just this week now, went from $50 per Megawatt to over $9000 per Megawatt.

First, they push you off the ship, and then, second, they toss you a life saver. But then, third, you may not get it in time. It may be way over there. And then you end up drowning and then, fourthly, they say, "But we tried our best to save that dear soul." And then, number five, they say, "Because of this, everyone on the ship must remain in lockdown inside their rooms at all times. If you don't, you will have to walk the plank."


The Expanse

2021-02-19 - Friday - 01:19 AM - 02:17 AM - The Expanse 510

Mike Adams

02:21 AM - Situation Update, Feb. 19th, 2021 - My dog fell through the ICE... but I SAVED him!

Robert David Steele


North Dakota

11:51 AM - North Dakota Supreme Court Oral Argument

Ron Gibson



12:43 PM - Republican Lawmaker Roast Biden's American Rescus Plan ,A Land with No Money

X22 Report



04:08 PM - Disney Star Wars' DISASTROUS Week | Oh Man, It's The M-She-U - Friday Night Tights with Lauren Chen

Simon Parkes


Dear diary, got up at 11:30 AM apx. Snow is melting more so in the backyard than the front. Dishes, 1 PM to 3 PM roughly speaking or did I start closer to two? Fed rodents. No mail. Raining a bit. Snow continues to melt. I am surprised where the snow melted and where it did not melt. It melts near the evergreens in the backyard, near buildings, on sidewalks, under the glass table in the yard, places where water drains, places where the sun can warm it up, places where certain items nearby can warm up. Groceries in car. I helped carried 2 boxes in. Mom got me to read something. Read a Quayle article talking about somebody at a store in the electronics department. So many TVs, thought he saw like a demon, ghost, spirit, interdimensional being. It was caught on video and then later disappeared off the video I guess. I don't think you can erase stuff off the video. And how could a camera even pick it up? But the being had like chicken feet. It came towards him and then disappeared. He showed somebody who saw it. Reminds me of a story told by my older sister's friend, I want to say like Alysia. How do you spell her name? Earley. Like early in the morning. Might have been in 1990 or at least before 1994 when she told the story of how her TV was unplugged. But they thought they saw a person or something come out of it. These creatures may feed off negative energy similar to a Star Trek Next Generation episode where they go back in time to the 1800s and these time spirits would travel through time and take sick people to feed off their spirits and the crew used electronics to see these spirit creatures. It was hard to see them as they went through time and space at different time intervals. Now it is around 3 PM. Got the mail around 5 PM.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: 4 tangerines, coffee, 11:42 AM. Pancake muffin, 12:45 PM.
Lunch: soup from yesterday, tomatoes, chicken leftovers, 3 PM, coffee
Dinner: more soup and then delicious yogurt in a large glass jar around 07:50 PM, the yogurt is like dessert at the end of the day better than ice-cream in some ways and I was thinking of the joys and the pains of what it would be like to be father of sons and daughters and especially daughters in some ways.

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