Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - May 16th, 2022 - 1PM Eastern!

Town Hall Summary

  • Speakers:
    • Aggroed (CEO)
    • Yabapmatt (Chief Product Officer)
    • Hardpoint (Chief Technology Officer)
    • Doogie (VP of Project Management)
    • WeirdBeard (Tournaments/ESports)
    • Chatter (Head of Marketing)
    • Nateaguila (Creative Director)
    • Aftersound (Creative - Musician)
    • Ironseed (Creative - Content Writer)
  • Main Topics:
    • Ranked Reward Changes 💥
    • Roadmap V2 👀
    • Company Updates ⚡️
  • Recording:

  • Timestamps:

    • 01:15 - General Intro
    • 03:00 - Yabapmatt Update (Ranked Rewards)
    • 43:00 - Hardpoint Update (Roadmap V2)
    • 57:30 - Doogie Update (Roadmap V2)
    • 1:11:00 - Chatter Update (Marketing)
    • 1:15:00 - WeirdBeard Update (Tournament/ESports)
    • 1:17:25 - Nateaguila Update (Creative)
    • 1:22:15 - Aftersound Intro/Update (Creative - Musician)
    • 1:26:35 - Ironseed Intro/Update (Creative - Content Writer)
    • 1:35:20 - Q&A
    • 2:13:55 - Closing Remarks


💥 Company Updates 💥

Ranked Rewards:

  • Goal is to ensure Splinterlands economy doesn't favor bots or big players with multiple accounts
    • Team wants to incentivize climbing as high as you can with one account in order to maximize your rewards
  • Main Changes:
    • Starter cards will reduce the amount of DEC you earn per battle
      • Prevents DEC farming without actually owning cards
      • Card and rental prices should increase due to more demand
    • Reward values increase drastically as you move up to higher leagues
    • Reward chests are based on the league you finish in for the previous season
  • Playing ~30 battles a day will allow you to maximize your rewards
    • Keeps your ECR at a reasonable value
    • Playing more than this will lower your ECR which will greatly reduce your reward shares and DEC rewards
  • New changes will also encourage players to play every day and focus on their win rate
    • A large amount of players currently play one or two days and stop at a high rating
    • ECR is reduced every battle, win or lose
    • A higher win rate will maximize rewards vs lower win rate
  • Changes will include 12 new Reward Cards added to the reward card pool (See Eye Candy)
  • Plan is to release changes for next season (Starts Tuesday, May 31st)
    • Starter card reductions will start before the new season (when the code gets pushed out)

Roadmap Updates:

  • Can also view the Roadmap on the Splinterlands Docs site
  • Validator Node License sale starts on May 25th (will be talked more on next weeks Townhall)
    • 80% of the SPS used will be burned, other 20% will be given to the DAO
  • Riftwatches release is estimated for August

DEC Updates:

  • DEC was originally created to be a relatively stablecoin
    • Need a native token to do atomic market purchases
  • DEC value is backed through the in-game products/assets
    • Card packs, potions, skins are all priced in DEC at a fixed rate of 1000 DEC --> $1

Marketing Updates:

  • RAD AI & Potion partnerships are actively being worked on
  • Google and YouTube ads are spinning up
  • Splinterfest dates are confirmed: September 17th & 18th at HyperX Arena in Las Vegas, NV
    • We want to hear from you on what you want to see at the event - Fill Form Here

Tournament/ESports Updates:

  • New tournaments are going to be created later today
  • Actively working with streamers to create a streamer mode that makes their lives easier when streaming battles/tournaments

General Team Updates:

  • The new VP of Engineering (PJ) is making strides in adjusting to his position in Splinterlands
    • Brings a great wealth of experience in crypto and blockchain
    • Brought a few other people with him with even a broader knowledge
  • Most devs have grown accustom to the codebase and are able to actively contribute to developments
    • New enhancements & features should be released quicker and more efficiently going forward
  • Splinterlands site has been seeing some performance issues lately
    • Few hot fixes have been pushed out today & yesterday to improve performance
    • Performance will constantly be improved going forward and especially once Tech Modernization is released


⚡️ Q&A Summary ⚡️

Ranked Rewards Update:

  • Some numbers were off in the Ranked Rewards post - will be updated properly
  • Each league allows players to earn up to 150 chests per season
  • Guild Lodge will eventually be updated to require a certain number of Reward Shares to level up
  • Bronze III will be able to earn DEC again as long as you aren't using only starter cards
    • There won't be any more Credits rewarded either in Bronze
  • Summoners are included in the Starter Card reductions
    • So if you use a Summoner that is part of the Starter card deck, you will receive less DEC
  • Team will look into a versatile way to change the Daily Focus so it isn't just one Splinter for a while day after changes are out


  • Team wants majority of future games to integrate DEC as well, or sometype of rebranded version of DEC
  • 5% market fee is revenue for the marketing platform purchased on
    • Splinterlands Market == Splinterlands revenue
    • Peakmonsters/MonsterMarket == Peakmonsters/MonsterMarket revenue
  • Current DEC burns are through Potions & Guild Building upgrades
  • ~2.7M vouchers burned through the Splinterlands Shop
    • From pack purchases and special cards (Waka)


  • Neutral monsters will be able to work on Land like any other Splinter
    • May not be as effective for certain plots as certain Splinters may have a bigger boost than others
    • Example: Water Splinter will have a better boost on a Lake plot than any other Splinter


  • Team has started to bucket players so they aren't allowed to match up with each other
  • Was a manual process in the past, and now it is being automated through data analytics
  • It is being monitored currently and being actively worked on
  • If you find a win-trading perpetrator, please submit a support ticket and the team will investigate


  • Riftwatchers is expected to be a little bigger of a set than DICE



New Reward Cards

Countess Sinesh Wallpaper


Recent Announcements

Splinterlands Ranked Rewards Update

  • Changes estimated to be released at the end of this month
  • Changes are going to completely change the way you play Splinterlands daily and seasonally

Splinterlands Fan Art Emote Contest

  • Splinterlands is calling all artists and designers to help out in designing new Splinterlands emotes that will be featured in our discord, twitch and other channels
  • The winners will be highlighted on our Splinterlands' social channels and will receive Chaos Legion packs as reward

Understanding - A Tome of Chaos Story

  • This week features Fiafia, a pirate who has escaped the clutches of Queen Mycelia.


Past AMA Summaries


Next AMA - Monday, May 23rd, 4PM Eastern (8PM UTC)

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