Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - April 25th, 2022 - 4PM Eastern!

Town Hall Summary

  • Speakers:
    • Aggroed (CEO)
    • Chatter (Director of Growth)
    • WeirdBeard (Tournaments/ESports)
    • Doogie (VP of Project Management)
    • Sicarius (Developer)
    • Farpetrad (Developer)
    • Wrathed (Product Owner)
  • Main Topics:
    • Development Updates 💥
    • General Team Updates ⚡️
    • Q&A 👀
  • Recording:

  • Timestamps:

    • 00:35 - General Intro
    • 02:00 - WeirdBeard Update (Tournaments/ESports)
    • 21:10 - Sicarius Intro/Update (Developer)
    • 33:00 - Farpetrad Intro/Update (Developer)
    • 48:25 - Wrathed Intro/Update (Product Owner)
    • 1:06:45 - Doogie Update (Project Management)
    • 1:22:45 - Q&A
    • 1:59:30 - Closing Remarks


💥 Company Updates 💥

Development Updates:

  • Ranked reward changes are still the highest priority
  • Other big projects being worked on in parallel:
    • Modern/Wild
    • Tech Modernization
    • Guild Brawl Revamp
  • Splinterlands has more than 50 servers running to maintain the game
  • API Documentation is being worked on as well for third-party developers
  • Accessibility controls have been added for team selection
    • Allows the ability for visually impaired players

Tournament/ESports Updates:

  • All current tournaments have new icons and are Lore-based
  • Biggest backend work has been focused on more KYC tournaments
    • Prevents multiple accounts and bot accounts
  • Looking to announce some big name tournament sponsors soon

General Team Updates:

  • Biggest developments being made right now are on the infrastructure of the game
  • When Splinterlands was first developed, it was using the languages that Matt knew best
    • Now that we have full development teams, the team is working on using the best, most scalable solutions
    • Takes a good amount of time to establish across all teams and platforms


⚡️ Q&A Summary ⚡️

SPS Validators:

  • Goal is to have a layer one, agnostic blockchain that can be integrated with other chains
  • Team things HIVE has the best ability to scale
    • HIVE also allows for key recovery unlike most chains
  • Team will continue to build on the chain that is best for Splinterlands


  • "You can't have a decentralized game and a centralized authority determing who can play, and who can't" - Aggroed
  • Team understands the current impacts of bots, and are working on things behind the scenes to counter them
  • This will be a constant work-in-progress
    • There isn't just one solution to get it all right
    • Team will continue to push out updates, monitor them, and determine what changes need to be made next

In-Game Communication System:

  • Team would like to build a communication system in-game
  • However, it isn't a high priority currently with the other projects going on
  • Would be beneficial for future game developments to have in-game

Market Transactions:

  • There should be some upcoming changes made to help the market issues of buying in the same block


  • Rebellion won't be released until after Chaos Legion sells out
  • Team will make sure the deck set is ready to go around the end of this year though
  • Packs are the best way to allow new players to enter the ecosystem



New Character Art


Recent Announcements

Terablock Partnership Update

  • New staking and rewards program
  • Staking TBC tokens will allow you to earn a discount on bridge fees

Insights - Tome of Chaos Story

  • This week's story follows Delya from the Xenith order


Past AMA Summaries


Next AMA - Monday, May 2nd, 7PM Eastern (11PM UTC)

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