Vonak: The Rise of Rebellion Rare Rewards Pt. 3



Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

It has been two seasons already since the Rebellion Soulbound Rewards has been released in Praetoria and I can already see that some players have some of their cards at max level and can now utilize all the stats and abilities of their cards. I on the other hand was still quite far in maxing any of my cards but most of them were at least within the silver level with the goal of leveling my Epics first by opening Epic draws then get the rest through opening jackpot chest so that I could also get more energy which I could turn to more SPS and Glint. Anyways, my post to day was the last part of my review for the Rebellion rare soulbound rewards and will cover the life, dragon and neutral element.


Rare Life, Dragon and Neutral Rebellion Soulbound Rewards

Mana Cost9
Element5-Life.png Life
Card Type00-magic.png Magic
AbilitiesLvl 1- Flank.png Flank
Lvl 1- inspire.png Inspire
Lvl 8- divine shield.png Divine Shield
Max Power (RF)2,415
Max Power (GF)11,550
Revealed By- @blewitt

Janni Rebel was a 9- mana magic unit that was revealed by blewitt which is one of the Splinterlands OG's and has recently been a guest on the people's guild podcast. As a part of the life splinter, this card will have a total of 12 health when fully maxed while its max speed and damage will be 3. For its abilities, it has Flank at level 1 which is a new Rebellion ability that will give the Reach ability on a melee unit that is next to it along with Inspire that gives +1 damage on all melee units which makes it a great card to use together with the likes of Mantaroth and Drybone Raider as they can do multiple attacks in a turn or even melee units that does have large damage but was lacking in the health department like Jared Scar that can slowly have an increase in stats trough Bloodlust for each opponents that it defeats.

However, if there is one obvious weakness this card has was its absence of armor specially if this will be used as a tank. To compensate for that, it will get Divine Shield at level 8 which will at least allow it to get unscathed when attack once though it might not be enough to sustain the damage it receives from the opponent so to reduce the amount of damage it takes, the use of units with Taunt such as Mycelic Slipspawn and Iziar might help to divide the damage it takes while at the same time, it might be better to use it together with Eternal Tofu as a summoner to also give it the Thorns ability so any melee monster that attack this card will receive damage.

For rulesets that this card could shine the most, there is Keep your Distance where no melee units can be used or in Wands Out where only magic units can be used and as a magic unit that can attack with a huge amount health its possible role will also be as a tank with the use of Grandmaster Rathe to give is some Void Armor so that magic attacks cannot get through its health that easy.

Mana Cost5
Element5-Life.png Life
Card Type00-melee.png Melee
AbilitiesLvl 2- retaliate.png Retaliate
Lvl 4- void armor.png Void Armor
Max Power (RF)2,415
Max Power (GF)11,550
Revealed By@micvir

The next card, Quilliun Legionary, was a melee unit that was revealed by micvir which as part of his usual Twitch streams. this card has a max damage of 5 and with a max health of 7 and armor of 4, this makes it quite a decent tank for only 5 mana though it was a bit lacking in terms of speed as it only has 2 speed even at max level. In terms of its abilities, it has Retaliate at level 2 which gives it a 50% chance to attack any melee unit that attacks it along with Void Armor at level 4 which makes magic attack consume the armor first before it can damage its health. Just like Janni Rebel, it will make sense if we use it together with Eternal Tofu for its summoner to have Thorns but it can also be given the Divine Shield and Corrosive Ward during the Tactics Phase so that the first damage it receives will be void and any melee unit that attacks this card will have their armor reduced.

For ruleset, perhaps, it can work with either Melee Mayhem where all melee units can attack the first position monster at any position or in Super Sneak where it can attack backline units and it would be best if it also plays at Reverse Speed so slow units like Skyspire Leopard can attack earlier.


Mana Cost5
Element6-Dragon.png Dragon
Card Type00-melee.png Melee
AbilitiesLvl 1- opportunity.png Opportunity
Lvl 3- scavenger.png Scavenger
Max Power (RF)2,415
Max Power (GF)11,550
Revealed By@kaibagt

Moving on, we have Dragon Egg Forager which is a 5- mana melee splinter under the Dragon element with a max damage of 5, speed of 4 and health of 7. With it comes also comes the Opportunity ability at level 1 which allows it to attack the unit with the least amount of health and Scavenger at level 3 which increases its health for each monster that was removed on play. Being it a Dragon unit, it was very flexible and can be used on many scenarios as using Dragon summoner gives it the option of using another element though in case of a summoner, it might be worthwhile to use it together with Akane and give Dragon Egg Forager the Ambush ability so that it can attack even before the first round begins.

In terms of rulesets, playing Dragon Egg Forager at Keep Your Distance can give you an advantage as not that many melee units can attack unless they are in the first position.


Mana Cost5
Element07-neutral.png Neutral
Card Type00-magic.png Magic
AbilitiesLvl 1- scattershot.png Scattershot
Lvl 3- snare.png Snare
Lvl 8- poison.png Poison
Max Power (RF)2,415
Max Power (GF)11,550
Revealed By- @synist3r

For the last card of this batch, we have Chaos Adjutant which is a 4- mana magic unit revealed by synister or comes with Tales of the Cryptmancer in youtube. This card comes with a max health of 8 along with the speed of 3 and damage of 2. Being neutral, this card was also quite flexible but with Scattershot at level 1, its attacks would often hit random target each turn which makes it quite unreliable if your goal is to defeat a specific monster but it could take a change when it reach max level where it gains the Poison ability so it can poison different targets in each turn as well as remove their Flying with Ensnare which it gains at level 3. As this was a magic unit, this will get a boost in damage when used together with either Obsidian or Lorkus.

Meanwhile, Keep Your Distance and Wands Out will be the ruleset where Chaos Adjutant can be a card of consideration but unless it already has its Poison, it would probably just served as a tank when our mana cap is in budget or have limited monsters. It can also be used during Shades of Grey since only neutral units can be played in this ruleset.


Final Thoughts

With this new season, I expect to see more and more of this new reward cards to be used specially for the Dragon Egg Forager given how flexible it is as well as more on the Life rare cards since Eternal Tofu was currently part of the current meta. As for the Chaos Adjutant, it may take a little while before I can see battles where she can shine the most but given that it can inflict Poison, I can see myself using this card more often in the future.

Once again I would like to express my gratitude to everyone in the community that helps in sharing the information about the cards.

Thank you and see you at the next post.


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All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands and Soulkeep.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards.

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

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