Strategy Corner #32 - Odd Ones Out Ruleset - Adapt or die :)


Hey Splinterlanders :)

A few weeks ago we got a similar ruleset with opposite numbers. And I consider it one of the most boring ones. Unfortunately, the same story is with Odd Ones, this time we limit our collection just to odd numbers that usually are quite random. Of course, there are some splinters that works better, but let's check the definition first:





Only units with odd mana costs may be used.

Summoners are not affected by this rule.

Firstly, the description of the ruleset in the game is not perfect, sometimes you get just general information which does not give you all the information you need. The best way to read the full description as above from the game documentation at least once. You can check all here.

I seriously encourage you guys to check this site, even more advanced players could find something interesting there.

As I mentioned with that ruleset your collection is usually just cut in half and depending on the size sometimes you can find some difficulties in finding a nice setup. My favorite splinter for that ruleset is Water and Life, because, from my collection point, those two splinters got the best odd mana monsters. Let's jump to the fight and check what choices we could have.



I hope at least today's battle will be more interesting for you than the ruleset. The match is in the Gold Wild Ladder battle, where the opponent used higher-level monsters than I usually use. So it can be interesting, let's check the line-up.


My opponent used quite an interesting team, a great front tank with additional tank heal, high magic damage monsters with summoner buff, and armor protection from Venari Wavesmith> I'm not the biggest fan of single sneak monster Pelacor Bandit, but maybe sometimes could be useful to kill fragile backline unit.
Quite lucky for me, my team was a little tricky because it was based on snipe ability, so we almost totally ignored the front tank. Additionally, Blinding Reflector seems like a perfect counter to the opponent team. Let's see if it is enough.


Round 2, everything seemed to work perfectly, we got plenty of reflect magic damage to the opponent's monster, and we managed to kill one of it. Unfortunately, Captain Katie didn't receive a buff from it. Our distraction for sneak monster worked as intended :) And of course, double Armor Repair with Void Armor from Rathe made a lot of difference :)


Round 3, the Opponent managed to kill our tank, but it was resurrected immediately. We lost our sneak destruction, but that was the purpose of Chaos Agent, die honorable :). And finally, Katie got the buff, it seemed that we could not lose it.


Round 4, This round we haven't even lost the unit, armor repair made miracles overall. The opponent lost the most dangerous monster, battle is almost over.


Final Blow - Round 4, Katie got another buff, but it didn't matter more. We got the final blow, and we lost only one of the cannon fodder units and it was versus higher-level monster. Let's analyze it.



As you can see it's not so unlikely to win the battle with an opponent who uses higher-level monsters. His team wasnt bad at all, but we came to a great counter, from the Reflector in front to chaos agent at the end. Both Armor Repairer make a big difference, and of course, resurrect which give the opponent another round to deal with Blinding Reflector. Let's check our lineup closely.




CAPTAIN KATIE, we have talked about that cards several time, and I think it getting better and better every fight I choose her. Snipe ability could be so devastating if the opponent is not properly prepared, and with 4 magic damage sometimes is not so easy to be prepared. Another major advantage compared to some other gladiator cards is that Catie is usually on backline with good protection, so it is not easy to use dispel on her.



TRUTHSPEAKER, the card seems so underwhelming, but it could be very useful. With the addition of void armor from Grandmaster Wrath it could make a big difference with additional armor which he provides. For higher levels is even better, but I got only 1 bcx for my collection and it seems okay for lower league matches :) It fits perfect for odd ones out ruleset, but usually for lower mana matches I play it in any different ruleset.


LONE BOATMAN, one of the common cards that I bought quite early (and I haven't bought a lot of older cards :) ). I think recently it is not as strong as before, but still, it is very useful. Snipe ability could be the trap sometimes, but with a combination of Captain Katie it seems not so bad. And of course Armor Repair is so good skill that sometimes could save an almost lost battle.



Odd Ones Out is not the most fascinating ruleset among all we have available. You just need to bigger collection with more variety to not be caught in a situation when you need to choose an ineffective team just because you do not have any choice. It's even a little worse for new players because usually, their collection is quite limited in the beginning.
As I mentioned I think for modern battle some splinters seem better for that ruleset, but this is not the rule, and usually, you just need to adapt to any situation on the battlefield :)


I hope you like this kind of battle and strategy presentation. More strategy analysis, discussion, and prediction games you can find on my Wednesday stream. You can check the schedule here

If you have any comments, please do not hesitate. Do you think I could improve anything just tell me :)


If you wish to try out Splinterlands you can use my reference link.

Thumbnails and other pictures borrowed with permission from the Splinterlands team or made in Cooltext


We continue our game from the previous week, today new battle, a new card to win :).

I come to some idea, I hope you will like them and participate. Every week I will publish one battle, and your goal is to point out the first victim of the battle and who will be the winner. This game is exactly the same as my prediction game which I run on my Wednesday stream. I know that not everyone can attend the stream, so I hope you will still have fun in that way. More about the rules can be read here.

Among all participants who get the correct answer, I will randomly (probably on my Wednesday stream) choose one winner.

The prize of the blog prediction game for the lucky winner will be the epic card:


Here we got the battle:


Game instruction:
Try to point out which monster will die first on the battlefield and who wins the battle

  • t - top player
  • b - bottom player
  • number - order counting from the first position

t2b = monster on the second position of top player dies first, the bottom player wins
b6t = monster on the sixth position of bottom player dies first, the top player wins
t3t = monster on the third position of top player dies first, the top player wins



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