Tournament Report - YGG Internal Tournament Cycle - 3rd Qualifier Update


Heya Splinterlanders :)

Last time I presented my opinion about tournaments and what changes should be implemented from my perspective (and it seems some other people got a similar view). You can read all those here.

For today I will not repeat myself, and just present some updates to YGG tournament E-sport series. We have just finished the silver league tournaments. Unfortunately, because of the time zone issue and late announcement, I was not able to join modern silver.



As mentioned in the previous article we play 3 qualifiers and the best 5 of each league qualify to the final. I will not go deeper into this, if you are interested in more details you can read it here.

Here are the results for the last Wild Silver Qualifier Round:


My performance wasn't bad, as you can see 5th position player has the same win/loss ratio, the only difference is Tie Breaker Points. Sometimes you need to have more luck fighting better opponents.

Below we can check the whole series results, unfortunately, some of the tournaments is still going, so it's not updated with the last tournaments' results:


The competition is very high, unfortunately, my first qualifier was a disaster, so my chances to get the final are almost zero now :(. But still, it was great fun to compete on the highest level.



I wouldn't be myself if I didn't present you with some interesting battles from this tournament.

First battle :


This battle shows how the meta could change drastically with the addition of some cards. The rulesets here define the whole battle, thorn damage, magic reflection limit drastically your damage option and survivability. I think this creates a great opportunity to add another damage reflection ability: return fire. Now the opponent usually kills themself. Another trick that used the advantage of the rebirth ruleset is martyr card. With the combination of Kralus which is so strong in this setup, the opponent got a very hard time here. For the present meta, at least in lower-level battles dispel is a must now. It's for sure a nice fight to watch.

Second battle :


For sure nothing new here from my side, it is usually my standard line-up for Little League ruleset. The only change is the unit with healing in the middle of the setup to be more protected from both sides. The opponent used quite a nice setup with very high speed high damage monsters. Unfortunately, now it's not easy to get through the armor, even vs Death team. Ravenwood Warden is a such good card, but you should know this if you read my Strategy Corner Article. I wonder what could be the result if the opponent use heal monster ability. The Martyr buff and leech could be enough to out-damage my team at the end of the fight. I hope my opponent will take a lesson from that :).

Third battle :


Overall I lost 3 battles, 2 of them were versus summoners (Lama and Mylor) which I usually don't rent (and of course don't own) and in some battles, there are just too powerful. The last lost battle was quite unlucky for me. Unfortunately, I usually use the splintertool addon to check my winrate for the battles, but recently I had some problems and now I lost access to that tool. I wonder was could be my winrate here. I'm usually not big of Conqueror Jacek, but if the ruleset says to make a random fight, Jacek is a good choice here. My damage output was much higher than the opponent, unfortunately, I rely on pure luck, we need some hits to the spirit hoarder to remove some of the heal options from the backline. We had no luck for the whole fight, triple heal, and at the end dispel from Spirit Hoarder was a nail to our coffin :(.



I will not repeat myself, my only hope after the land update we finally receive something related to actual gameplay. And I hope that will be the tournament's improvement. We need a more complex structure, a different prize structure, and more incentives to join. More, more and more :).

Of course, initiatives like YGG Tournament cycle should be still continued and maybe even more developed with some in-game options available. It is so much fun if you can kick the a.. of your guild leader or other guildmates in a friendly fair match :). For sure I will try to do better next time :)


I hope you like this kind of battle and strategy presentation. More strategy analysis, discussion, and prediction games you can find on my Wednesday stream. You can check the schedule here

If you have any comments, please do not hesitate. Do you think I could improve anything just tell me :)


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Thumbnails and other pictures borrowed with permission from the Splinterlands team or made in Cooltext


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