Meet Mordechai | A comedian who became famous thanks to Hive!

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A funny fella called Mordechai Lam

Now he isn't the best-looking punk out there, with his funny teeth and big afro hair. But probably his pirate earring is the thing that people notice first, as it's quite the flashy accessory. Now don't get me wrong, his afro hair just looks amazing and he kind of rocks it with his funny matching glasses but whatever he did in life, he always remained a bit of a dork that people picked to make fun of. When he was a child, he didn't really understand why people would pick on him, he was the kindest kid out there and still, they were making fun of him. He never really understood and it kind of hurt his feelings when it happened. Yet, he remained friendly and kept smiling.

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With age came wisdom

When he started an education to become a painter, he had a close group of friends who started to defend him when people made fun of him. He started to feel more secure about himself when they explained these idiots just needed someone to make fun of because they were insecure themselves. They told him not to be bothered as he rocks his afro hair and at least dares to be himself, even though he's different. They also told him many times that he should not change a thing about his looks but maybe start using it in situations where he's on fire making jokes all night. Because this Mordechai dude, he's funny as hell! They all agreed and this made him think, would he ever dare to climb on stage in a comedy club to do so?

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Too shy

He felt comfortable being around people he knew, so whenever they were at a birthday party or even family events with more people, he'd own the stage with his jokes. People always tried to lure him on stage as soon as he had a few drinks and was a bit looser to wipe off his fear of the stage. It always worked well, and people would sometimes start crying from laughter. He started to notice this more often and decided to throw in some jokes about his looks. The people loved it!

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Bookings started to come in

He was never booked officially until this moment, he was quite proud when his cousin called him and asked Mordechai if he'd be interested to play on stage in a real comedy club a month later. He didn't know what he heard when it turned out to be a paid gig. They'd pay him 150 bucks for just 45 minutes on stage! Amazing, he of course said yes. Although he knew he'd had to work hard to fill a 45-minute gig on stage. He told all his friends and family and invited them to come and see his first paid gig on stage because he knew he'd feel less nervous seeing familiar faces in the room.

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He owned the stage

Although he was the newest guy on stage, and all the others were already known by the biggest part of the audience, he totally rocked it and even the other comedians were impressed. They all congratulated him on his successful show and they even gave him their business cards to connect in case he needed some advice or wanted to work together in the future. He received two more bookings for the next months and these were successful as well. And then a pandemic hit the world where all gigs were cancelled for the next 8 months. He felt lost as he had just found his true calling and now he had to focus on other things to make sure he'd be able to pay for his rent and utilities.

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A golden tip

Four months had passed when a friend who is also a comedian, gave him the golden tip he'd been waiting for. He told him about a website called Hive where he'd landed on accident and signed up just to give it a try. At first, he thought it was not very interesting until he started to engage with people and someone mentioned the ComedyOpenMic community there. This guy @amirtheawesome1 was the other comedian and Mordechai is still thankful until this very day that he gave him that tip! They both got to share their comedy content with the world, even though now they shared written content or videos instead of being live on stage with an audience. It turned out that this Hive audience was much bigger than his live gigs until now, and the rewards were well worth it! They held a COM-contest every week with judges that often called him the funniest.

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A gig on the other side of the world

Thanks to the global audience on Hive, he received an invitation for a gig in Australia, the other side of the world! There was a huge comedy show there in a few months, and as all covid restrictions were being removed soon, they hoped he wanted to be part of this big show. He was amazed that being a member of a community on a social website could get him invited there. He was super excited and said yes, obviously! The winner of the show could win 5000 Australian dollars and would win a tour around Australia with a few other comedians. Guess what? You got it! He won the show and is now a famous comedian thanks to the support he received on Hive.

Funny how it can go, right? #Hive rocks!

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Previous Parts of my Punk Backstories

Helen Wilkinson the music therapist
The Bartender Tales with Alistair Richmond
Zayn Villa's Tinder Date
Rhett Downs | Where there's Hive, there's home

Thanks to @themarkymark for creating the @punksonhive!

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