Punk Backstories: Zayn Villa's Tinder Date

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Meet Zayn Villa

This punk is what you call a true bachelor. In the past ten years he has never had a real romance. Not one! He did have his fair share of one night stands though, and some of the girls fell in love with him, while he always was very clear upfront: "No feelings, just sex. Tomorrow morning, I'm gone". The ladies always agreed and waved away concerns that Zayn raised when he had this gut feeling that she might be a little too into him. Nevertheless, he would not fall for their little love tricks. Yes, he really calls it love tricks, for years he was convinced that once he'd settle down his life was over and he was destined to become fat and raise many children.

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Zayn's view on the world

May have been a little strange, according to most others. I personally feel the same and think these strange thoughts that every single person is destined to have the same life are coming from some deeper childhood experiences or previous relationships. He never mentions the two relationships he has had in his life. There must be a reason for that. Some have tried to get some stories out of him, but he never gave anyone any details. This means that Zayn is quite the mystery, even to his male friends. They think they know him, but meanwhile, they also know that they don't know everything about him. All of his friends are now settled down, and none of them are fat. :)

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Zayn finally agreed to create a Tinder profile

All of his friends were meeting up with their partners to do fun stuff and Zayn would be the everlasting bachelor without a girlfriend. He usually joined them when they did fun stuff, but he did feel like the third wheel once the couples started to get lovey dovey, holding hands or kissing. The last time this happened, these couples were all over each other and he decided it was enough, he was going to follow their advice and sign up on Tinder. A date couldn't hurt, or could it?

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Zayn used another name

He thought just to be sure that he wouldn't end up with a stalking psycho chick, he'd use another name. Probably a smart thing as his name is not that common. He started filling in his profile, used his selfie where he was wearing his favorite hat. Probably not the smartest thing if you want to remain anonymous, because it's quite the flashy hat with pink and purple ribbon on it. He didn't think it through, clearly. He filled in the name Tom and his bio contained some info about his hobbies, which were true, btw.

He filled in his preferences, and saved his profile. That's it, he thought he would check the app in a few days to see if there was a match and forgot about it that night.

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He watched some Netflix that night

But at 10 PM he kept hearing notifications he didn't recognize immediately. He ignored it for 30 minutes until he got annoyed and was searching for his phone to turn of the sound. He unlocked his phone and saw 11 notifications from Tinder, all from one lady! He was amused and shocked at the same time, as he didn't expect anything to come out of it really. He checked the profile of the lady that kept sending him direct messages, he was in awe!

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Her name was Lisa

She had long blonde hair and looked quite fit. She was the type of girl he'd normally give a second look and maybe even flirt with. She didn't send anything special in DM though, just hoping for a chit chat, so it seemed. He started answering and before they knew it, they were talking non-stop for hours. They obviously had a click and decided to go on a date the next day. They would meet in a bar just outside of their town, which Lisa had proposed. He agreed and before he knew it was the next day. He started to get a bit nervous and was wondering why this was happening, he never got nervous with the ladies until now. Could this mean something?

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At exactly 7 PM, Zayn was waiting for Lisa outside the bar

She was fashionably late but Zayn forgave her right away as he seemed to be impressed by her appearance as soon as he laid eyes on her. She wore a stunning long red dress that made her curves come out so nicely. She was smoking hot! Zayn felt butterflies before she started speaking, which was funny to see as Lisa also noticed this. Thankfully for Zayn, Lisa melted for his appearance as well and they had a lovely evening together at the bar.

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Zayn did something he never did before

He felt such a connection with Lisa, that he opened his heart for the first time since his heart was broken. He told Lisa what happened in the past and that he never even shared this story with his friends. She was touched by his trust in her and she laid her hand on his. This was the moment where Zayn asked if he could kiss her. She answered by pressing her lips on his. Something magical happened when they kissed. This must be what they call love at first sight..

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They are now living together

And even considering to start a family soon. Two years later, they are both still crazy about each other and Lise fits right in with Zayn's friends. Needless to say that his friends are very happy that he finally brings a girlfriend to their meetups. His friends are constantly teasing him with his own words now by asking him if he gained some weight since last time they met. This is of course, all with a wink towards his former believe that you get fat once you settle down!

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Previous Parts of my Punk Backstories

Helen Wilkinson the music therapist
The Bartender Tales with Alistair Richmond

Thanks to @themarkymark for creating the @punksonhive!

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