We are tearing ourselves apart merely to reduce hospitalizations... BY LESS THAN 10%!

The latest official data proves there is AT MOST a negligible reduction in Covid hospitalizations among the "fully vaccinated", but we are collapsing the economy and starving our citizens to get a few more injected. Clearly this is not about health, and there is another agenda at play.

Thanks to omicron, it is finally widely acknowledged what was "conspiracy theory" last year: These mRNA shots do NOT stop viral transmission. Despite the population being mostly injected, cases went through the roof sometime around the holidays. So if these shots - of which 10 billion have now been given worldwide - don't stop the pandemic... what do they do? Well, they harm a decent segment of those who take them... But I mean, what good are they doing if they aren't stopping infection or reducing cases?

Supposedly, they reduce serious illness. Serious illness is measured in hospitalizations and deaths. Since deaths here in BC are spiking fairly high, the media isn't focusing attention there. Deaths are mentioned only from a "Covid is still scary" angle, not a "the vaccines don't prevent deaths" one.

Instead, the official narrative is now claiming that the ENTIRE global mass-vaccination effort comes down to a SINGLE upside: reducing hospitalizations. That is one of the real reasons tens of thousands of healthcare professionals were fired in November for not taking the injections - to ensure massive strain on the system despite omicron being mild, justifying vaccine mandates to reduce hospitalizations.

Let's use their own official data to prove the injections don't even reduce hospitalizations, the last bastion of hope for the mRNA injection narrative.

But first, we can't forget that the only data on hospitalizations we get is the number of people in hospitals who are infected WITH Covid. The big pink elephant in the room? Most of those patients are in hospital for other reasons - Covid is not to blame! "Hospitalized WITH Covid" is an almost-meaningless statistic, but it's all they share with the public.

The number of people going to hospital BECAUSE OF Covid is significantly lower, which is why it is never reported. And that's the only number that really matters. But since we don't have it, we'll use the number of people in hospital WITH Covid, and remain aware that we are being extremely conservative with our calculations.

Some math, using official BC data

Total population: 5,400,000
Under 5 (not eligible for vaccine): 2.3%
Total eligible: 5,275,800

Eligible people with 2nd dose as of today: 4,166,318

Portion of eligible BC population now "fully vaccinated" = eligible with 2nd dose / total eligible = 4,166,318 / 5,275,800 = 78.9%

Note: This number is already significant. Less than 4 in 5 people here, who are eligible to do so, have been "fully vaccinated" (according to official numbers, anyway). So at least 1 in 5 people did not comply with the last round of injections, which peaked several months ago. Even more are forgoing the latest round of shots, so when the definition of "fully vaccinated" is updated to 3 instead of 2, even fewer people will be considered compliant.

78.9% of the eligible population is "fully vaccinated". Therefore...

  • If 0% of patients with Covid in hospitals are "fully vaccinated", the injections prevent serious illness.

  • If between 0% and 78.9% of patients with Covid in hospitals are "fully vaccinated", the injections may be helping reduce serious illness.

  • If exactly 78.9% of patients with Covid in hospitals are "fully vaccinated", the injections are having no positive impact. Since they cost us financially, reduce our freedom, and have non-zero risk of injury or death, they should be stopped.

  • If between 78.9% and 100% of patients with Covid in hospitals are "fully vaccinated", the injections (and associated passports) are giving recipients a false sense of security, leading to more infections and hospitalizations, and/or the injections are increasing health problems like myocarditis that get labeled Covid symptoms.

Survey says...

"Between January 7 - 20, of the people admitted to hospital suffering from Covid-19... 70% were fully vaccinated." - source

Out of those recently admitted to hospital for any reason, then tested for Covid, and the test came back positive, 70% are "fully vaccinated". We recognize that's the number there with Covid, not because of Covid, meaning any calculations based on it will be skewed in favour of the official narrative, but it's the only number we've got.

So at least 70.0% of Covid-positive inpatients are "fully vaccinated", compared to 78.9% of the eligible population.

That's an OFFICIAL effectiveness rate at reducing hospitalization of less than 8.9%!

And it's this bad all across Canada, where Pfizer and Moderna are used. In fact, some provinces are beginning to show a NEGATIVE effectiveness rate for the "vaccines", meaning they are actually contributing to MORE people ending up in hospital.

What IS the point?

A year ago, when we learned these injections came with the risk of side effects, and weren't actually vaccines because recipients could still get Covid, I asked "what is the point?"

Now that we know the injections are hurting and killing a huge number of people, don't stop transmission whatsoever, don't prevent deaths, and don't even seem to reduce hospitalizations, "the point" appears to be destruction and destabilization.

Why anyone would want to damage or destabilize certain countries and economies is beyond the scope of this article, but one potential explanation (call it another conspiracy theory, if you want) is that doing so would make it very easy for a small group to take control of humanity.

Thanks to restrictions and mandates, Canada is already unrecognizable from 2 years ago. The same is true for many parts of the developed world. We're told the only way out is the mRNA injections. To increase compliance, we have destroyed nearly everything that makes us who we are, collapsed our economy, indebted our grandchildren, betrayed the sacrifices of our grandparents, established segregation, and divided almost every family in the nation. We have killed some, disabled many, and harmed all... to reduce hospitalizations by less than 8.9%!

The truckers in Freedom Convoy headed for Ottawa are right. Injection mandates are unacceptable breeches of our basic rights! But the official data shown here prove the injections themselves should be stopped. They offer NOTHING but misery.


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