Official data proves Covid vaccines do NOT reduce serious illness, and are complete shit

Officials finally admit what they censored me for saying all 2021: "Vaccines" don't stop infection. But now we have confirmation from their own numbers that they don't even reduce illness or hospitalizations! They are literally COMPLETELY ineffective.

The pro-vaxx narrative has had to gradually give up all its claims as the truth came out in the wash, and the injections have been found completely ineffective at fighting the virus. Officially, both Pfizer and Moderna offer nothing but side effects and risks, except that they MIGHT be reducing serious illness. The future of this entire mass-vaccination campaign of billions of humans rests on the assumption that these two products are capable of keeping people out of hospitals and cemeteries. It's the pro-vaxxers' last stand.

It all comes down to one final purported upside: The injections reduce serious Covid illness (hospitalization) in the infected.

But do they even do that?

According to brand new official data from here in BC Canada, no!

  1. "over 77% of those hospitalized with Covid are fully vaccinated"
  2. "4157150 second doses have been given"

So, of those people who are in BC hospitals and testing positive for Covid, more than 77% are double jabbed.

And 4157150 out of the total population of 5250000 in BC, or 79%, has had their second injection.

The "vaccines" have no measurable effect on hospitalization. We can no longer blame the unvaccinated for being a threat to hospitals. If the healthcare system is indeed going to collapse, it won't be due to the 21% of the population who have not taken multiple shots.

These data may not surprise you. After all, we know the severity of illness has increased as a result of the mass-vaccination campaign in North America and Europe, according to health officials and mainstream media in recent weeks. (This admission came as the pro-vaxx narrative attempted to explain why South Africa's mild experience with omicron was not relevant here, and thus justify continued restrictions and mandates.)

So anyone paying attention wasn't expecting these injections to reduce hospitalizations. Now, we have proof.

Canada's omicron death spike is notably large and sharp:

Especially when compared to that of South Africa:

They struggled to vaccinate a fraction of their population, and have a corrupt and poorly-funded healthcare system, but they're no longer having a problem with Covid the way we are?! Mass injection has not helped Canada reduce cases, hospitalizations, or deaths.

The changing narrative about the Pfizer and Moderna injections:

  • they are 95% effective at providing immunity... and 100% safe
  • they are 90% effective at providing protection... and only minor side effects
  • we do not know if they prevent transmission, but they keep you from having serious symptoms... you need to keep an eye out for anaphylaxis, bell's palsy, and rare blood clots
  • they don't seem to prevent transmission, but they decrease the rate of hospitalization and death... there have been a few casualties as a result of the injections but those people probably had comorbidities
  • they don't stop infection or transmission, but there's a slight reduction in the rate of hospitalization... tens of thousands have died from the injections but the benefits still outweigh the risks
  • they may be encouraging transmission, and there's no reduction in symptoms or hospitalizations... healthy young athletes are dropping dead on the field, hospitals are full of "vaccinated" people, and now children are being sacrificed too

That escalated quickly (about 10 months).

"95% effective"? More like zero!

The case for negative efficacy

In fact, some provinces are now reporting a higher percentage of fully vaccinated Covid patients in hospital than in the general population! In other words, being vaccinated makes you more likely to be hospitalized with Covid.

How could that be? One explanation is that being "vaccinated" gives people a false sense of security, believing they have a shield against Covid, when in reality it does nothing to prevent infection. This makes them more likely to get sick, and a certain portion of people who get sick will end up needing care in hospital. "Vaccinated" people are potential superspreaders.

Another explanation is the "passports". People show their digital IDs to gain access to a venue, and interact with others who are considered low risk. In reality none of them are immune, but they're all in close proximity and assuming they're safe. The passports destroy our privacy and freedom, slow our economy, and do nothing to stop Covid. Passported events are actually superspreader events.

Update: In Scotland, new data confirms the "vaccines" make people MORE likely to end up in hospital!

"Double-jabbed Scots are now more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid than the unvaccinated, amid an increase in elderly people falling ill due to waning immunity. It comes amid 'weird' data showing that case rates have been lower in unvaccinated individuals than the single, double, or even triple-jabbed since Omicron became the dominant variant in Scotland."

The "vaccines" have no detectable positive effects, but come with significant risk of illness or death.

The whole narrative is completely coming unraveled. NOW is the time to redouble your efforts, make big changes, throw away the masks, get back to business and school, see each other in person again, and stop complying with unjust orders from people that hate you and want you dead.


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