A work out session can teach us a lot about consistency and motivation

Today I had an awesome workout session at the CrossFit gym in my neighborhood. After a few minutes of warming up and stretching, we got into a killer 40 minute partners routine consisting of 10 rounds deadlift, pull ups, handstand pushups and double under rope jumps.

My amazing workout partner was Paola. She kept me motivated every time I was up, and I tried to do the same every time it was her turn.

The reason I'm writing about is is becase it's not easy. It's physically exhausting and sometimes it literally hurts. Today, for example, I whipped myself pretty good in the arm while doing double under rope jumps. I got some pretty nasty welts on my arm to prove it.

It's also sometimes hard not to make excuses for yourself: I've got so much work to do, I'm so tired, I'm not in the mood, etc. But if you manage to overcome that voice inside your head OR if you take two scoops of SHUT THE FUCK UP and get yourself to the gym...

GIF source: tenor.com

after the workout session you feel great! and you also feel like you've achieved a small goal which also feels great. If you continue to do this consistently, you'll be healthier, stronger and more confident. Who wouldn't want that?

Does it also sound like something we could apply to business or hobbies? Absolutely!

Adding value in the Hive blockchain ecosystem

Don't feel like writing a blog post on HIVE today? No problem. You don't have to, but remember this: In order to achieve great things you must be consistent. And consistency doesn't necessarily mean doing things every day with the same intensity.

This is consistency, yes:

But this is also consistency:

And this is also consistency:

And also this:

(these are bottles of Hive juice I made)

I didn't really feel like writing a blog post today, so I decided to go back to my friend, @ph1102 's blog post on how to get large upvotes on HIVE. I decided to leave an honest reply, maybe helpful to someone, maybe motivational to someone else, and that was going to be it. I then thought about how nice it felt and thought to myself... what the hell, let's write something :)

Other aspects of life

How about in a personal project or in business? Do you think the same applies? You might not feel motivated to write a business plan or make a sales call or sit down to start writing code, but if you can just commit to writing one line, maybe, just maybe you'll feel like writing a few more lines of code, and before you know it, you might end up writing a few dozen lines of code when you didn't feel like writing one. At the end of it, you might feel good and proud of yourself for doing it. A few weeks, months or years down the line you WILL see the fruits of your effort. I promise this to be true.

But don't take it from me. Take it from this man, Stephen Duneier, who has some awesome advice on how to achieve your most ambitious goals:

Have an awesome weekend friends! and let me know if you found this helpful in any way. Hope to read you in the comments section.

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