Magical Mothering Sundays over the years

Hello Hello Hivians and Silver Bloggers

Enjoy life and have fun is what my mother taught me

Every so often we get a wee reminder to sort things and that life can be short.


In this case I need to do some weeding.

Yesterday was Mothering Sunday or Mother's Day in the UK. Both my parents passed away some years ago.

My mother was a type 1 diabetic and ended up with vascular dementia.


A real double whammy if ever there was one. We had to ban her from doing her own insulin injections as she would do them again and again as she had no recollection of doing it.

If I post flowers and plants on this post, it is because that is what I would bring her whenever I visited her over the years.


Dementia really is horrible to watch and see your loved one disappear in front of your eyes.

My father passed away and we had to tell mother what happened. Well fluff that, I did it three times and no more. The heartbreak she would go through when she told us. No that was just too much.

So whenever she asked, we would say out that he is out with the dog or he is getting messages (groceries).


Well six months later she passed away in her sleep one night. The doctor admitted to and with me that he thought she had died of a broken heart, but of course he could not put that on a death certificate.

She was a happy go lucky person and I like to think I take after her in many ways.

She had the patience of a saint and I do try to be like her in that regard.

I remember her telling me to enjoy life and treat everyone the way I would like to be treated.

She was a very positive person and would get rid of friends who took her for granted. Fool me once shame on me I would hear her tell father but fool me twice well they can get to Coventry. This happened when there was carsharing to be done for kids going to school. One of the mothers thought mother was a pushover and kept saying she could not do her turn, but still expected her kids taken to school.


Yes mother was quite the politician. Perhaps being the daughter of the local bank manager when that was a highly esteemed position. Her father my grandfather was a Justice of the Peace and the Grand Treasurer for the Scottish Freemasons when they were at the height of their powers.

So when people took advantage, that was that. They were dispensed with!

When I went to college in Wales she told me to make sure not to be taken for granted.

Good advice and to this day, every so often I will remove people from my life that take you for granted or expect everything and give nothing in return.

People and projects she would say. Make sure they are fun and benefit you.


Less is more!

I call it my weeding time for Spring time.

It does get me to go through things, take Hive for example, I am a member of 53 yes 53 fluffing communities!

I know, because I just went and counted them...

There are communities I never visit, so those need to be whittled down. Then there are people on Hive who we don't interact with each other. Then the discord servers... they need to be whittled down. The Hive tokens, the Hive projects.

It is never ending ....


Do you keep track of it all?

Then away from Hive, we have crypto which is beginning to go into overdrive what with the bull run and new BTC and ETH ATHs time and after time!

So let's have fun weeding!

And if I have eliminated you #sorrynotsorry because the odds are you are not reading this anyway 🤣


Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!

All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.
@tengolotodo March 11th 2024


Haste Ye Back!

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