The Rescue Rag Doll


This gorgeous little girl almost landed in the rubbish dump last week.

My neighbour was clearing out his garage when I saw this poor rag doll in the pile to be dumped. She was just a little dusty, but otherwise still looked like she had life in her.

I scolded him for wanting to throw her out; he in turn said I was welcome to take her or she would stay on the pile to be dumped.

Cynthia immediately fell in love with her, and before I could do anything, she'd bathed her, washed her hair, and of course, her dress and apron, which looked real grubby. Soap and water can do magic, and her clothes were back to their former glory in no time, even had to be ironed!


We still have to name her, but she now takes pride of place on the old telephone stool at the entrance to my home, welcoming visitors.

Some people adopt rescue cats or dogs, but I have my little rescue rag doll, as well as my 'adopted feral grandson' Poe.

Rescuing the Lost

How often do we give up on people who have fallen by the wayside?

One reaches a point where you realize, enough is enough, and you say 'No more, you're on your own now!'

Unfortunately, some people need to end up on the scrap heap before they can pick themselves up.

Someone hubby and I used to help countless times, was given one final chance.

Not by me, but by someone smarter, who laid down the law before he lifted a finger to help, and that person has been thriving ever since.

One needs to ask yourself the question - are you not crippling someone who has the ability and the talent to excel, by letting them make the same mistakes, over and over, and come to their rescue, time and time again?

Just like the old rag doll was given a new lease on life, that lost soul was given a chance to redeem himself, and today stands proud with his head held high again!

Miracles do happen, but it takes someone special to make it happen!

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