Bliss & Peace

Kaushal Das

Dad and I spent the quiet hours of the early morning to clean the yard and their house too. Guests will be arriving in the afternoon for my niece's pre-wedding day celebration and whilst I tidy up everyday, there are some things that I just can't touch without my old man's approval, most especially their front porch which is filled with his various stuff. He goes crazy looking for things when they are moved without him knowing. I was just glad that he organized them himself and all I did was dust out, mop and sweep floors.

All good.

Meanwhile, I'm still quite amused that this niece of mine used to say she would stay single and there's the least chance that she would be getting married. She even teased her younger sister to have more kids because she herself won't be having any. That was just less than a year ago. I was to correct her to not say things in finality because she never know how things would play out but I chose to keep my mouth shut. She will find out on her own, I thought.

And perhaps she did.

Her time has come and they are tying the knot. Surprisingly, she's quite the unconventional. She wants everything simple. Nothing fancy. "I don't want this and that... no cake please. I want this instead..." Okay, why not? Let's do that then!

It's a breath of fresh air and I love it.

Alexander Grigorian

She likes it small too, 200 guests at most. Pretty interesting actually but I love that she knows exactly what she wants. They hired a venue where the event will take place so it's somewhere away from here. Today though, there's going to be a small party to welcome the groom's family. They are coming from another region and I imagine it will be sort of a "getting-to-know you" session this afternoon.

With all the weddings in the family, this might be the quietest event yet and whilst I know that my old man wishes it to be big and loud, there is nothing he can do because it's the couple's decision to keep it how they like it to be. It's a drastic change on how things are usually done but a really good one if I must say so. And it feels nice.

Until then...

Photos as acknowledged. 11052053/10:15ph

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always!

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