Missing Our Goals... Because Life Tends to be a Busy Place!

A lot of folks on this planet walk around constantly mulling over this idea of "creating success" with their lives.

It's pretty normal...


As a result, we often end up making rather "hopeful" goals for what we want to accomplish during a month, a yea,r or whatever. We set these goals for ourselves, and then we end up missing the mark because "life happens."

Ironically, the unexpected is pretty much the only thing in life that can be expected!

So we might have some sort of personal health crisis, or crisis with a loved one, or something major going on with our job situation and all of a sudden those personal level goals we set have gone down the toilet.

It's tempting to just say "ohh well, not this year" and then forget about it until the next time we're in the mood to make plans or resolutions, but that's not really the best way to serve our highest and best needs... is it?


One of the things I have definitely learned over the years is the fact that it's better to just have a little bit done than to have nothing done, at all.

Think about it. Even if you are having to completely reformulate your goals, and you plan to do that as of the next "Round Number Date," like a quarter or a year, it's still worthwhile to keep going rather than to just sit on your hands until the next time and then declaring "oh well," all over again.

I say this as a result of recently having had a series of events in our lives during May, June and July that makes it pretty certain that many of my 2024 goals are not going to be reached. These are both personal goals, as well as financial goals.


The financial goals are not going to be reached because of unexpected expenses, and similarly the personal goals are not going to be reached as a result of unexpected expenditures of personal time on things I hadn't planned to spend time with.

As I said, pretty much the only thing about life that can be regularly expected... is to expect the unexpected.

I suppose one thing we can do is set more modest goals, trying to plan in the unexpected. But it's very difficult to plan for something like the expense of your car needing major repair because your car only needs major repair once in a great while and sadly we have no idea when to expect that.

It's also difficult to predict that all of a sudden there will be a series of unexpected layoffs at your place of work and suddenly everybody will have to fill in for short staffing for a period of several months


I believe the main thing to remember here is that most of the time the sort of setbacks that put us behind on reaching our goals tend to be temporary in nature. Well, at least hopefully they are!

And so, I said here on august 16th, realizing that I'm going to fall short no matter what I do,... but I'm not going to treat this like ill-planned New Year's resolution, I am simply going to accept that I'm going to come up short and then I'm going to continue working towards what I was hoping to accomplish even though I won't be able to get all the way there.

Mostly what we have to remember is that it is often not our fault, and that there is no reason to get depressed because we're working towards an impossible goal. Or, what looks like an impossible goal.


It is often the psychology that is the hardest to overcome! Simply knowing this makes the task ahead a little bit easier, at least for me.

Thanks for stopping by the blog, and have a great weekend!

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Created at 2024-08-17 00:31 PDT


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