Living in This World of Deception and Manipulation

Sometimes I wonder about this world of ours.

Then I start wondering whether it is always been like this, and we just haven't been aware of it.


I'm referring to the fact that almost everything we encounter — whether we're trying to buy something or we're talking about politics or we're getting involved in a business — somehow involves some form of manipulation or deception.

What is that really a statement about?

Does it mean we've grown so jaded that nothing holds sufficient appeal for us to be moved by, if we're just presented it at face value, as it is?

Or is the marketplace of everything from ideas to products to love so competitive and cluttered that the only way to stand out is to make claims that couldn't possibly be true?


As I think about these things, I end up actually feeling a little bit depressed about it.

And, on further reflection, I feel a little bit depressed about the fact that there is a looming finger pointing to the distinct possibility that one of the reasons I was never particularly successful in business is the fact that I insisted on being honest and upfront about everything.

Is integrity and a sense of personal ethics just too "old fashioned" to have a place in our world, as it exists today?

I don't remember exactly when I first started feeling alarmed about it but I expect it was in my mid 20s when I repeatedly encountered the situation that you really shouldn't expect to get a job unless you were willing to lie somewhat about your qualifications and skills.


And I thought to myself "shouldn't it be enough to simply be good at what you do and share it, as it exists?"

I don't expect anybody to actually answer this question but experience taught me that being upfront and honest very often landed me in the situation of not getting the job, not getting the promotion... and whatever else might have been involved at the time.

I'm not laying that out there in expectation of having a pity party about it, but it does give me cause for at least a little bit of alarm; alarm concerning where the world is headed.

These days I look at our strange little world of the Cryptosphere, and observe how almost nothing is presented with any degree of truth… instead everything seems to be about overstating and underdelivering.


Then I think about my long time antique collectible postage stamps business. I built a very strong clientele — albeit a small one — primarily rooted in a policy of understating and overdelivering. Of course one of the natural consequences of that was that I couldn't also offer the lowest price, and so I probably lost out in terms of not just gross numbers.

"They" sold millions of items and handled thousands of complaints and even lawsuits... I sold thousands of items, and have had maybe 2-3 complaints in 30 years.

Perhaps one of the things that troubles me about it is that the whole philosophy of deceiving and manipulating to get ahead also serves as the backbone of creating a paradigm under which there is no trust. I see a promise — whether it be in an advertisement, or a video, or a face to face situation — and my first thought is pretty much ”yeah, that isn't gonna work out.”


Why so negative?

Some have pointed out to me that perhaps my real problem here is that I don't want to play ”the game.” And there's definitely an element of truth to that. I'd much rather have the facts up front and base my decisions on reality, rather than on undeliverable promises.

I hate "playing games."

And yet life so often demands that we play games. Play games with the truth, play games with people's money, play games with love...

Even at our local supermarkets, they play games. "Buy one, get one free!" But the week before the price was actually less than half what it is now, so the BOGO deal is more expensive than regular price... and you're being compelled to buy two of something, when you really just need the one.


In less than a week, I will turn 64 years of age... and all I can do at this point is walk my own path and accept that things are what they are.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great Sunday!

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Created at 2024-08-25 01:46 PDT


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