Can't Always Trust the Weatherman

Hello friends, Hivers and fellow Silver Bloggers. I hope you all are doing great. As for me, I'm doing just fine. Today I'm going to talk about my weekend some starting with Friday.

Friday during the day was much like the rest of the work week, I had to work. I did watch the morning news before going to work and paid attention to the weather forecast. The forecast was for rain in the evening and scattered showers throughout the day for both Saturday and Sunday. The first thing I did was mow the grass when I got home to beat the rain. Once I finished it rained shortly after. It came down pretty good.

I woke up Saturday morning and it was a steady rain coming down. I just sat in my nook and had some coffee pretty much the entire morning. I was really wanting to go out and do something outside. Hey I've spent the last 10 days inside recovering from a cold I was itching.The feelings all the way until the rain stopped was it was going to be a lazy day.

I thought what hell I'm getting out of the house. I wore a pair of jeans, short sleeve shirt and carried a light weight coat. I decided to go fishing. When I arrived at my spot it looked cloudy and seemed it may rain again very soon. I had seen it was projected their would be more rain on Sunday so this is why I decided to fish today

Well I caught a couple of small bass the first half hour of fishing. It was shortly after that I got into some nice sized bluegills. It was also a time when the sky changed to a look that rain was no longer a possibility. The temperatures got warmer and I was feeling warm because of the jeans I was wearing.

In all I ended up keeping 9 bluegills. I only fished for about two hours. It was getting warm and it was pretty sunny out. Had I been dressed a little lighter I may have stayed longer. I had a friend who I told I would give her some fish the next time I went fishing. I did not need any bluegills as I still have plenty in the freezer at home.

I gathered all my stuff and made the journey to my friend. Some of you know me to gander trades with the fish I catch. Well not this time just a friendly gesture. To me it was worth it because of the excitement I seen on her face 😊 I only spent a short time there maybe chit chatted for 10 minutes or so. I was shocked to receive a text message from her an hour or so later.

It's a good feeling giving someone something and them showing it goes to good use. I was like oh goodness she wasted no time at all. She had to clean them, cook them and of course eat them so she must have started shortly after I left, haha. Well I'm happy she enjoyed 😊

I didn't do much Saturday evening but it did rain for a little bit once I arrived home. I ended up going to sleep around 10:30 but I was up early at 4:00.

Since Sunday was suppose to be rainy all day I decided I would do some delivery driving. Now the last time I did this was over a month ago. I didn't go first thing like I wanted to because my son wanted to accompany me.

We were out about 4 hours and it wasn't all that productive. Just a mere 7 deliveries for a total of $56.55. I put 70 miles on the car utilizing just under 1/4 of a tank of gas. Not exactly a good motivation in getting back to doing this more often again, haha.

I got home had a late lunch than was watching a little television. I was watching the news on President Biden dropping out of the presidential race. Oh politics, am I into them? Well I fell asleep in the chair I was sitting in and took a good two hour power nap, there's your answer 😴.

The rest of the evening I didn't do too much. I did hang out for a bit outside in my back yard and witnessed about a dozen deer spreed out in a field behind my property. Sorry for the bad quality they were quite distance away.

I didn't talk about the rain on Sunday did I? Well it was a beautiful day, not cold, not hot and no rain. If I knew this before hand I would have switched what I did on these two days. Oh only weatherman can keep there jobs for being less than half right on their predictions. What I thought was going to be horrible weekend outside turned out to not merely be that at all.

Thanks for stopping by I wish you a good week ahead. Please stay safe and take care. Until next time!

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