Seasons turn

It seems a tumultuous time, the changing of the seasons. Vibrant life relents, light itself dims, as winter creeps forth stealing warmth and colour. I often feel wistful in those moments as summer gives way to autumn and the cold winter and yet, it's the essential rhythm of nature, perfectly harmonised. Winter forces summer to relent then in turn spring compels winter to yield, rains, snow and cold days capitulate to spring's arrival and, inevitably, summer returns.

It's between the seasons when the symphony of nature changes from one beautiful tune to the next in which I feel most reflective; it's in those times, between time, in which I think about my own life and how it has also changed with the passing of time.

Human life doesn't repeat itself as do the seasons. Rather, it moves from one point to the next, start to finish, a one way unfolding of time; spring, summer, autumn and winter. It's not perpetual as are the planet's seasons, it's finite.

I feel I'm in between time right now, a change of season. Today I walked in the gardens close to my home contemplating this, saw signs of the seasons changing around me and felt my own moments of change keenly. It wasn't a sorrowful moment though, a regretful one, it was joyous as I felt alive and happy with life. I've had a beautiful life with beautiful people around me and I feel excited for the future knowing I'll move with the changes, embrace them and nurture my life as I have done in the past.

Today, I felt beautiful and was reminded of this quote; I thought to share it with a few words of my own and invite others to share their feelings and thoughts on their own passing of seasons.

"Beauty is the only thing that time cannot harm. Philosophies fall away like sand, creeds follow one another, but what is beautiful is a joy for all seasons, a possession for all eternity." - Oscar Wilde

Have a happy day.

The image was taken in the gardens in which I walked today.

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