Hive Top Chef - Raspberry & Cream Meringues



When I asked my 'Fruits & Veggies-on-Wheels' supplier for Berries, any berries in fact, his WhatsApp message simply said:

Not in season

I had to get behind my own wheel and drive to the local supermarket thinking I'd have to get frozen berries and see what I could make with that, but I decided to first stop by the fresh fruit section, and to my delight, I saw Pomegranates and Raspberries.
I wasn't sure whether a Pomegranate is a berry but discovered that botanically it in fact is a berry...

True berries are fleshy fruits that come from a single flower with one ovary and typically have several seeds. Pomegranate fruit fall into this group.

However, there was only one lone little punnet of prepacked Pomegranates that looked past its sell-by-date.
Right next to it, were a couple of punnets of good-looking Raspberries.

Raspberries are the prettiest berry of them all, in my eyes at least, and are related to blackberries and roses. They are high in antioxidants and can help reduce signs of aging.
I'm getting past my sell-by-date, perhaps I need to start overindulging in this berry, LOL, maybe that's why they're so pretty.

Anyhoo, my sweet tooth brought the vision of Meringues to mind, so here goes.

Meringue ingredients are always on hand - Eggs (only need the whites of course), Icing Sugar & Vanilla.


  • 4 Egg Whites
  • 400ml Icing Sugar
  • Few drops Vanilla

Note: Egg yolks can be used to make a delicious Lemon Curd, or added to a quiche, or scrambled eggs.
Despite its bad reputation, egg yolks in fact have many health benefits.


The how-to

Whip egg white till it starts to get foamy.

Gradually add Icing Sugar by the spoonful and whip till thick and glossy and stiff peaks form.


Line baking pan with foil, sprayed with cooking spray, or they will stick!

Pipe onto foil to make a basket shape.


Bake for approximately 2 hours at 110°C, leave in oven till it cools.


Meringues can be kept in an airtight container if you're not using them right away.

The Serving

Whip cream till stiff peaks form, pipe into meringue cases, and top with Raspberries.


Short and sweet and very simple to make. The slight tartness of the Raspberries complimented the sweet meringues really well!


Don't they look too gorgeous with the beautiful Raspberries as a crown?


All we need now is to make a cup of tea and tuck in!


I've been trying very hard to make the weekly foodie challenges run by @qurator, not been very successful, but managed to get this week's Hive Top Chef - Berries done in time! I hope you enjoyed my Raspberry & Cream Meringue medley!


I've prepacked a tray, especially for you; wish I could!
It was a surprise treat for our current guests as hubby is diabetic and I could never finish all of that in one sitting 😉


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