Silver Mamma Chef 's Meat Balls and Pickled Sandwich.

It's January 2023 and I hope all's well with you'll.

Silver Mamma Chef seemed to have started with a few bumps to the new year.
She wasn't a happy chap when I visited her Kitchen.

Papa Chef was listening intensively to Silver Mamma Chef as she complained bitterly about the monkeys destroying her beautiful tomato plants.

They're were growing so nicely, she wanted to use some in her ingredients for her sandwich post.
Omg!...I haven't seen Silver Mamma Chef so mad for a long time.

She had just finished baking Italian Bread in her new Air Fryer, which she was going to use to make the sandwiches.

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While still complaining bitterly, she popped a piece of crust into her mouth and bit down hard.
Suddenly...everything went quiet for a few seconds, then Silver Mamma Chef grabbed her jaw.
"Oh crap", she cried out in pain...her filling in her front tooth fell out.
Oh dear...poor old Papa Chef tried very hard to console her while she inspected her tooth in the mirror.

An appointment was made with the dentist, fortunately there was an opening an hour later.

Oh my word...everything went well at the Dentist, until Silver Mamma Chef came home and continued with the sandwich making.

She had some left over meat balls from the night before, and decided to use them to make a delicious toasted Meat balls and Pickled onion with cheese and tomato open sandwich.

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She buttered four slices of bread on both sides and popped it into the Air Fryer for a few minutes.

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The bread being quite narrow pieces, she sliced the meat balls in half to fit on the bread nicely.

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And covered the meat balls with some cheese.

Then a tomato was thinly sliced to cover the cheese.
Silver Mamma Chef was upset she couldn't use her own tomatoes from her garden, (Bloody Monkeys).

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She made some pickled beetroot the other day, so with out any further ado, put a spoonful on top of the tomato with a slice or two of onion.

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Happy with her creation, she called Papa Chef to lunch.

Oh my word!...drama at the table once more.

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Silver Mamma Chef took a bite of the pickled onion...then it happened...she felt this electric shock sensation in her brain.
Well!... that's what it felt a zinging sound.

Papa Chef watched in dismay as Silver Mamma Chef spat her tooth into her hand.

"Oh no", she yelled distraught once more, her whole front tooth that had just been newly filled, had broken off.

Silver Mamma Chef immediately phoned the Dentist to make another appointment to have it fixed, and was shocked to hear how much it would cost.

Life isn't going well for Silver Mamma Chef these first few days of 2023.

I won't go into detail on all the other mishaps that happened to Silver Mamma Chef this week...we will leave that for another day.

At least it's just a tooth and can be fixed...Silver Mamma Chef had a bit of a chuckle at her reflection in the mirror.

I mean...she could wear a mask if she went out some where, not so? until she had it fixed of worries hey!... Hehe!

Life is to short to stress about one front tooth. Lol!

Well! I hope you enjoyed the Sandwich, straight from Silver Mamma Chef's Kitchen.


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Until Next time!


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All photos property of @artywink
Original content by @artywink

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