Spring coming late here in Alberta, Canada! Sun out now and the warm air feels great! Here's a couple photos from the foothills to the Rockies!!
So much for Apirl showers bring may flowers! Going to have to wait a few weeks here. I noticed the snow melting and the grass is already green underneath! Still not sure if I can put my snow shovel aways!
Trip to the river and a needed break! Took some photos of some of the few bird that winter here in Canada!
So beautiful and peaceful down by the river! Took some photos of the Ducks and the Canadian geese! Good time to reflect as well as turn your brain away for other stuff and enjoy the beautiful surroundings!
Love Is Key in Photos! #7 Took the love is key sculpture down to City Hall and the friendly security guard asked us to leave!
Love is key is always original content and is a art project by @dylanhobalart. This is my first attempt to monetize this piece in hopes of funding it a bit further! I have many photos from along it's Journey,