Bart Simpson's Metatronic Black Hole Phantom Matrix of Under Acheiving, the North pole is our entrance to a better world... keylontic science divine 12d blueprint... no BST 13d reverse spin allowed , just 12d-15d bioregenesis healing through the BULL
The Brama people the golden 15 dimensional cow people and their golden bull run will allow humanity to keep PUMPING this system in a sinwave cycle forever untill technological singularity, AI, ET,
Lucky Merkabah Outline Appears on
my hat somehow while taking a picture of my own "ExoSD 2011" exopolutics lecture about krystic life spirals vs metatronic death or "hard lesson" spiral
Just another cool "coincidence" planned by my higher self... the more electricity that you can produce with your own body like a battery the farther back in time you can send messages over the