#cloudflare revoked it's services to #8chan. just because 8chan allows everyone to perform their freedom doesn't make them a terrorist
#cloudflare revoked it's services to #8chan. just because 8chan allows everyone to perform their freedom doesn't make them a terrorist hideout! Channels and boards like these are critical for human liberty
Trije strelski pohodi v ZDA (El Paso, Daytona, Chicago) v zadnjih 24 urah / Donald Trump / thoughts and prayers
V zadnjih 24 urah je v ZDA prišlo do treh strelskih pohodov. Prvi se je zgodil v mestu El Paso v Teksasu: 20 mrtvih, 26 ranjenih - strelec je bil bel, 21-letni rasist. Drugi strelski pohod se je zgodil