The Top Three Android Phone Crypto Faucets (Honoroable Mention: Zelts Faucets)

[This is the author's screenshot of the Zelts Bitcoin Faucet application in the Google store.]

I've already written about what are, in my opinion, the top three (#1, #2, and #3) crypto faucets available for Android devices. This one occupies a very distant fourth place, or, an honorable mention, you might say. I don't actually use this faucet myself anymore, although I have verified that it does pay out. As you read further, you will see why.

There are three separate "Zelts" faucets available on the Google Play Store: one for Bitcoin, one for Ethereum, and one for Litecoin. The UI of the apps are relatively unintrusive; you can claim once every 15 minutes, and play a rock-paper-scissors game for additional rewards (which you can play 3 of per 15 minute period). You are subjected to one ad per claim/game. This is all well and good, and the payouts accumulate such that you should be able to withdraw about once a week if you are hitting up the app a few times a day.

There are two problems: first, there is no unifying app; you have to go back and forth between each of the apps to claim your crypto. Secondly, and more importantly, the payouts are laughably minuscule. When I claimed my payouts, they were about $0.04 worth of crypto, each, for a full week's worth of clicking. This app does work, is not a scam, and does have a decent UI. But with payouts that low, this family of apps is just a massive waste of time, as far as I'm concerned.

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