Tells stories in poetry || Sunbathing

Supposedly, the orange yellow tinge is capable of displaying cheerful charm. It is exposed to bright blue glow on elongated leaf tops. Indah is incomparable. Invite this heart to join cheerfully.

On the night that had just been missed, the story of my morning was no longer binding. The prison of feeling, the shackles of sin felt the burden of the load. I don't think it's appropriate to say hello to the morning, it's too honorable for him to follow his light.

I slumped in a puddle of endless regret, the night soot had carved the pitch black stick attached. Removing it must be with the holy water of the Maghirah, which I don't think it deserves.

Chasing forgiveness, that's the only way. I did it for a bath of self-purification. Even though their eyes are angled, even though the spectator's eyes get. I do not care, because to me there is always an eternal protector, when I have sunbeds.

                     ***Thanks for you***

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