To Manchester with Love:

Even with the unimaginable terror we are seeing so often in our cities, I still believe in Love.

There is still peace, still beauty, still hope and still love.
... Take the swan for example. One of the most gracious and beautiful creatures on the planet.
After having a particularly hectic day at work, I walked out to the lake behind my house. To my surprise, a visitor appeared. He swam directly up to me.
He was unafraid, brave in fact. Not concerned that I might hurt him. Not fearing any predators. I quickly retrieved my camera for a photograph and expected to lose the shot, but he stayed. He seemed to pose.
He was proud to show me his beauty. And eager to uncover mine.
He was happy to share with me his defining characteristics. Swans are one of the largest waterfowl, one of the fastest flyers, and longest living birds. Therefore, swans often mate for life. They can be fiercely loyal and protective and yet, they remain elegant and artistic.
Swans have often been written about in stories and myths throughout the world and in many different cultures. They are wonderfully white or beautifully black. . . or a grand combination of both. And they swim across a body of water as if the world could never harm them. As if confidence is all you need to be assured that everything is safe, peaceful, and good.

We should all be like swans.

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