"time, it be time, ya know wha mean?" Delayed interaction is better than not at all.
I've wondered about the Star Trek transporter tech. It seems to me, in that fictional context, that a copy of the transport could be stored in a buffer, and Red shirts need not die permanently, but could be "reprinted" from storage upon their demise. I know they came up with some reason that the transporter couldn't just print up a whole crew of James T. Kirks, but it always seemed like a dodge.
There are some very fun scifi novels which include the technological resurrection concept. One is Robert Reed's novel 'Marrow' in which people can be regrown, with memory intact, provided that a piece of the brain, which is encased in an artificial skull made of extremely durable material, survives.
In my spare time I am searching for a real radical life extension method, as well as a "bootstrapping" method for intelligence increase. It continues to be a fun ride.
RE: Henry Johnson was Going to Die, but he Went on to Live Forever.