Fighting Depression

Mental Health has always been a serious issue that hasn't been properly addressed before. That's why it's good to know that people are now more aware and educated about this issue. Social media has really helped in promoting awareness regarding this serious matter. A lot of authors also wrote books related to depression and the mainstream media even helped in making people understand what it is all about.

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Depression has no face. You can see someone being so bubbly without knowing that he's really suffering inside. People likes to appear strong in front of everyone. Some wouldn't even admit to themselves that they're already suffering from depression. The thing is, depression is not the same as sadness. In my personal point of view and based on the stories I've heard from my friends, it's the feeling of not wanting to wake up each day. It's when you no longer see any reason to continue living because you're just too tired to keep on fighting your battles.

Most depressed people commit suicide because they're swallowed by extreme darkness and no one was there to help them. So, whenever you're going through hard times, don't keep it to yourself. Talk to a trusted friend or a family member. You don't need to hear advice from them. You just need an ear that would listen to your sufferings. Believe me, talking to someone would really make you feel better somehow. Whenever you're having anxieties, take deep breaths and distract yourself. Drink a glass of water, listen to music, go out and jog, meet with friends, watch a movie or just do anything that will stop you from entertaining negative thoughts.

Depression is a serious battle that you need to fight whatever it takes. Be strong and believe in yourself. Always remember that there is a reason why you're here in this world and that the problems you are facing are meant to make you stronger and an even better version of yourself. Never forget that your existence is special and important. You're just going through dark times, but it's going to get better in no time. Just hang in there, brave human.
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