The progress of things

In the past, people looked for a way to solve things, they needed to move from one place to another and they did it on horses or carts; Thus they lived without many advances, but they achieved good inventions, although manual but useful. Through history we can know each one of them, either through books, documentaries, movies or physically.

Yes, some can be seen and touched, because there are museums with these antiques of great historical value. To know about the objects or instruments used in past centuries; however, there are certain haciendas and houses in the countryside that still have some. Like the manual water pumps that were very common at that time, it could be seen in the patios and even in the kitchen.

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A way of extracting water from a well or spring, by pressing the lever, they managed to raise water and have it for different uses in the house; being a small advance, but beneficial to have it close and save, to go further to bring it in containers over the shoulder. It was clean and fresh, they could even drink it, as well as water the plants, since they had permanent water.

Unlike today, where most things are electric, faster and without the need for physical effort, because they work alone. These are the big changes in water pumps that are now of different sizes and are only connected so that the water arrives with more force and speed, that is, now they are electric pumps that replace manual ones.

All these machines or equipment have their past, it is good to know about it, so we can see how much progress we have made.

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