Memory (Part two)


//A Hospital somewhere downtown Japan//

Beep. Beep. Beep. The monitor at the bedside of Drake Nygma trilled low and soft for a few moments. Minutes passed, turning into hours, the trilling growing louder, akin to the roar of a primordial entity. A series of flashes spun about within the mind of Drake Nygma, images of golden sand, a bright yellow sun, a slender female with youthful features.

Dollia’s features softened, emotions playing out over her face. Her empathic and mystical senses were connected to the energy of the man laying on the bed, his pulse growing stronger, a flash of wild untamed emotion spreading out over his features. Raw strength bubbled away inside the veins of one Drake Nygma, his large mountain-like frame obvious even in stillness.

Dollia began to speak, her voice low, barely audible.

“Your mind is the picture of chaos, a multitude of memories whirling throughout it. Two entities: one soul, one body. Possessed of ancient knowledge, you’ve seen civilisations rise, civilisations fall, and punish those who dared challenge you. Come home…. Come back to me…. Rise…. Return once more to the fight that defines your modern life”

Dollia’s intonation did cause the beeping to grow ever louder, a feral growl escaping into the air.

Drake’s hands formed fists, veins standing on his brawny heavily built forearms. There was a dark look residing in his eyes, humanity had been burned away in the wake of his revival. Thus in that moment Dollia realised that she was looking at the untamed darkness of the eternal Sphinx, a darkness unrestrained by Drake’s humanity.

The Sphinx: “It would appear that my brief proximity to that red orb has silenced Drake Nygma for the moment. Now I’m free… my dominance unquestioned, my allegiance resides only with mortal being. You Dollia Trypp. I have not forgotten the actions of one Jeremiah Vastrix…. He made a grave error in putting his hands on you…. For that he’ll pay.”

Growls echoed to follow these words, a gravel-like voice filling the air.

Dollia looked on, fascinated by the eerie darkness that had been awoken, whereas before this darkness had been tempered by humanity, by a sense of light, now that light had faded. This prompted Dollia to consider the nature of that red orb that Drake had come near prior to his match with Jeremiah Vastrix.

Dollia Trypp: “What did you see when you were near that red orb, what can you remember?”

A pause as The Sphinx considered how best to answer.

The Sphinx: “I saw giant pyramids, monuments built depicting a large cat-like creature. Temples and the pious praying to this entity. A host of men stood at my back, an army spanning fathomless distance. Truly I was a conqueror, and yet I was also a protector of those who honoured me like the god I am.”

Dollia began to pace as she heard these words spoken aloud.

Dollia Trypp: “From what you’ve said it sounds like a memory has been unlocked. From a life you lived once so very long ago. You would take vengeance for me? Your protective instincts have awakened, it would seem that between the proximity to that crimson orb and my abilities, you are growing stronger, developing into something that supersedes the limitations of Drake Nygma’s human form.”

Her expression turned contemplative, a faint smile teasing the edge of her lips.

A contemplative look adorned the facial expression of The Sphinx.

The Sphinx: “You are important to me, perhaps the only mortal creature I’ll ever care for. For anyone to lay a hand on you in anger, with the intent to harm is to incur the wrath of a dangerous entity, an entity whom you do not want as an enemy. It's not vengeance. Vengeance is taken on behalf of the dead. This is protection, you are under my protection, my empath.”

Reaching out Dollia placed a thin hand on the cheek of The Sphinx, communicating her deeply held emotions without words. Never had she heard The Sphinx refer to her as being his empath. The idea that she meant something, that someone cared for her so fiercely made her heart skip several beats. Thus she whispered “My Sphinx…. My big brother, you are more than your darkness, you are a complex being.”

Silence reigned for a moment longer, a bond developing between The Sphinx and Dollia. Magical dream energy would yet spin around Dollia, a smile forming on her face, her eyes lighting up with a deep and powerful spark of powerful empathy laced with a trace of ancient knowledge. Thus it seemed as The Sphinx grew stronger so too did Dollia’s empathic abilities, allowing her to access more of her skillset, unlocking more strength just as he did. This would tell Dollia that this was a mutually beneficial connection, The Sphinx would protect her and in turn she would temper his baser instincts.

The Sphinx: “The Midnight Society I speak directly to you now. Katrielle Hale. Lexi. Trelisa Perrault. I am not taking your challenge lightly. I plan to approach this fight as i do all others, with strategic planning, unchecked violence, there will be no holding back. Trelisa you are correct in that every journey has to start somewhere. It just so happens that Apocalypse Now’s journey begins with The Midnight Society. This tournament is about more than just titles, it’s about judgement, a judgement rendered in the ring.”

A slight pause was taken, a rumble of wild energy crackling through the air.

The Sphinx: “I admit I did hear about the press conference you recently participated in. You spoke with purpose, clarity, and intent. You have strength, a strength that makes you a true challenge. For that, The Midnight Society has my respect. You have a plan? So do I. Plans and counter plans, strategies and the ability to think three steps ahead of everyone else is what defines my career, that and the brutality of a world far harsher than this one.”

The rumbling sound grew louder as The Sphinx fell silent, letting his words sink in for anyone who might be listening. Flashes of lightning roared through the sky, a darkening malevolent sound that reflected the unearthly nature of the entity who had taken control. An entity who by all accounts was born to the art of warfare.

Sounds of softly clapping hands echoed, drawing the camera to lock onto the gentle, yet determined facial expression of one Dollia Trypp.

Dollia Trypp: “I think a change in scenery is called for My dear Sphinx” Dollia mused as the scene changed, a brand new location unfurling before the eyes of both The Sphinx and ‘The Dreamer’ Dollia Trypp.

//An ancient courtroom, a place of judgement//

A golden throne sits at the very centre of the room, to one side a scale used to weigh the hearts of the deceased. Ascending the steps The Sphinx took a seat on the throne, dressed in obsidian black robes, a scythe in one hand, his weapon of justice. To the left stood Dollia Trypp dressed in a white flowing robe, a golden sun tattooed on her shoulder, a marking that indicated she had been blessed by the former sun god Ra.

Slamming the Scythe on the ground The Sphinx began to speak, his voice serious, intense like a judge preparing to deliver a sentence.

Above his head was the word ‘Maat’. Translated it referred to justice. The sole purpose of The Sphinx was to deliver divine justice, punish the wicked and selfish, reward the just and pious.

The Sphinx: “This is a place of judgement, one which all souls will eventually visit. If the soul, the heart are found to weigh heavier than the feather of Maat you are condemned to remain in the duat. Should your heart and soul be lighter or of equal weight you are permitted to venture to the realm of Osiris, to know peace. At least this is how it used to be done. Things have changed now. Humanity is flawed, beyond saving, there is no redemption, only the cleansing fire of my judgement.”

Dark eerie orbs glared down from on high, the darkness of The Sphinx was now out in full force. No more half measures, no more second chances.

Dollia looked up, a curious echo of emotion shining in her eyes, shock ran through her system at hearing The Sphinx speak of a cleansing fire that would be the only judgement he would deliver from now on.

‘The Dreamer’ Dollia Trypp: “Only the cleansing fire? Do you truly believe humanity is beyond redemption? Is this to be the nature of your judgement, what of mercy? Kindness?” Dollia couldn’t help but question, her tone reflecting no small amount of concern at the words spoken by her client.

The Sphinx: “The cleansing fire is a mercy, I’ll make their ends swift. They won’t feel a thing. Or maybe they will. I really don’t care either way. Humanity has gotten soft, weak, like marshmallows. I….. am serving the purpose of judgement, the function that I was created to perform. That is all, no more and no less than that.”

Closing her eyes, Dollia peered deep into the mind of The Sphinx, seeing a memory forgotten to time itself.

Thunderous footsteps echoed along the ground, a young woman collapsing at the feet of an ancient being with rich brown eyes, short black hair, high thin cheekbones that would make a model jealous. Adorning the wall above was a tapestry of images depicting a dragon with wings unfurled, fire billowing from its maw. This woman would raise her eyes high, meeting the masculine figure looking down at her curiously, fascination glinting in the depths of his eyes.

”Drake….” she began pointing to the series of images on the brilliant tapestry that adorned the wall.

”My name is Dollia Trypp…. A pleasure to meet you”

As the memory came to an abrupt end, Dollia shook her head, caught off guard by what she had just seen, what she had felt as she had experienced that memory that felt like an echo of a past life, a life in which she had known Drake Nygma long before he had awoken in the present day.

Dolia Trypp: “You may be The Sphinx, a fearsome creature bent on justice. But Drake Nygma? His name evokes the memory of a dragon. It would seem that fate has plans for both Drake Nygma and The Sphinx. I’ll need to look into why Drake seems to be evoking a memory of a dragon, a serpent, a monster regarded as a symbol of evil, and yet in most traditions it is regarded as the embodiment of chaos and untamed nature. Two traits that seem to be shared by both The Sphinx and Drake Nygma himself. In the orient, Dragons represent supernatural power, wisdom, strength, hidden knowledge.”

Dollia’s expression would turn thoughtful as she considered the words she had just now spoken aloud. Turning on her heel Dollia began to pace, her feet moving swiftly along the ground. Her mind was full of thoughts as she worked to process all that she had seen, all that she had said, all that she had felt not so long ago.

The thunder had long since stopped roaring, the sky clearing to a brilliant shade of blue, the day continuing as if Dollia hadn’t learned something that had not caused her to ponder how many lives she has known both Drake and The Sphinx.

The Sphinx: “You’ve unearthed new knowledge have you not? Something about the man you are friends with. What did you learn?” The Sphinx questioned calmly, a curious intrigued gleam in his eyes as he waited for a response.

Dollia Trypp: “I’ll reveal what I saw in time… for now let's focus on this tag team tournament. The Midnight Society, the time for you to be judged and tested has arrived. If you are worthy, possess decent virtue you may yet survive the fire of The Sphinxes judgement. Only time will tell if you will survive the events to come.”

Dollia collapsed into the arms of The Sphinx, drifting off to sleep as he walked her out, setting her down to rest.

The Sphinx: “Rest well little empath, regain your strength. I’ll be here when you wake up, little sister.”

Fade to black…

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