The Slacker's Guide to the Great Remission: The Purpose of Life

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“I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different.”

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

“Life is an experiment to see what happens next.”


Why am I here?

This is the oldest enigma known to man. Religion is an attempt to answer this riddle. So is science. In fact, science and religion is exactly the same thing. The only difference is their approach.

Religion begs you to believe and have faith, to trust self-appointed “mediums” who speak for unseen spirits or all-powerful intelligent forces who torture or reward dissenters or followers according to universal rules that pertain to the spiritual gift of existence.

Science begs you to believe and have faith in “experts” who tell you they are observing and experimenting and unraveling the mysteries of existence by devising mathematical algorithms, isolating variables and extrapolating results.

Religion states that there is an unseen authority who dictates the workings of the world.

Science insists that life is a mechanism, a sequential series of processes that proceed according to physical laws dictating the interplay between matter and energy.

There is no “spirit” in science, no unknowable magic, just as there is no “science” in religion, no rationality.

In the end, neither science nor religion can answer the question because the question itself is invalid. Why am I here is as absurd a question as how high is up. It’s a koan. Science and religion is for koan-heads, not slackers.

Simply put, life is for living. Life is. There is no why. If live has a purpose it is life iteslf. You’re simply here until you’re not. You weren’t here before and you won’t be again. That’s why it’s so important to experience, to be present. And to fully experience you need to be free to do so. Plus, you need to be conscious.

There is no greater wasted life than that of a slave, whether he is a slave to possessions, to love, to delusion or to duty. Planning for tomorrow is wasting today—and you only have a finite number of todays.

Life reveals itself only to those who pay attention. Wake up, pay attention, stop cooperating, relax and enjoy and soon the blinding dust will settle and you’ll see what life is really up to.

to be continued...


Preface part 1, part 2
Why Slack? part 1, part 2

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