The Story Deepens...

Had another great adventure! :D

It's always fascinating when my adventures take me to somewhere I've been in the past and then I notice things I never noticed before!

Didn't find anything super amazing, but... I did find a few cool things!
Including a Freemason memorial right near a spot of interest... Things that make me go hmm...

In the not too distant future I'm going to be going into territory to explore which makes me a bit nervous.
It's really not that far from town and I should be fine... But, the place gives me a sort of "this place is serious" vibe.

As crazy as it sounds, I've seen what seems to be a lot of military helicopters over this area and maybe that's just because Sedona is an area where the military trains in regard to certain kind of aircraft especially, but it feels different there...

There's been rumors of secret bases in Sedona since I can remember as a kid living here and some compelling evidence has been unearthed about all that in another area near town, but... More than that the place also gives me a vibe of "bigfoot" or some other kind of "cryptid" or paranormal activity.

And, then there's another few spots which are going to take some courage in the future as well.

My main focus is playing it safe and being careful, so I'm a bit conflicted...
It's just... I believe these areas could teach us a lot and I wanna learn more for myself and to share with others. But, I don't "need" to... So, I guess we'll just see what the Universe shows.

I don't know when I'm going and I'm not going to say when I'm going, but... If something happens to me it was probably aliens, or bigfoot or something crazy. Lol...

Love yous all. ❤️


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